Care and health
- Adult care operations and health
- Alternative Education Provision
- Birth records
- Charging for care, financial assessments, debt management and Court of Protection
- Child community health and wellbeing
- Community Services Review
- COVID-19 Deceased Recovery Booklet
- Domestic homicide reviews
- Early Years Complex Needs Team
- Free School Meals Voucher Scheme
- Get a Healthy Start
- Goodie box
- Hospital episodes statistics
- Live chat
- Migration and resettlement service
- Mortality records
- National Child Measurement Programme
- One Devon Dataset
- Personal Assistant (Shout Out) Request
- Positive about Breastfeeding
- Provider Engagement Network
- Public Health
- Public health primary care contract patient insight survey (November 2024)
- Quality support
- Requesting housing with support
- Social work recruitment
- Staff health primary care contract patient insight survey (November 2024)
- Strengths-based approach training pilot
Children’s social care and education
- Adoption
- Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs (AYCH)
- Atkinson secure children’s home
- Bridges
- Care leavers
- Children’s centre registrations
- Children’s Services feedback form
- Children’s Social Work Academy
- Child in need
- Child in care reviews
- Child protection
- Child sexual exploitation
- Direct payments and personal education budgets
- Disabled children
- Children’s front door (early help,targeted services and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
- Child friendly privacy notice for the Early Help and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team
- Early years and childcare services
- Educational inclusion
- Eligibility for two-year-old funding
- Family group conferences
- Family hub registrations and early help housing support fund (HSF) applications
- Fostering
- Free school meals
- HR One
- Independent education settings quality assurance feedback questionnaire
- Learner Services
- Learn Devon
- Lifelong Links
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
- Looked after children
- Missing children
- Parents and carers
- Parent carer feedback questionnaire
- Participation Team
- Reading Fluency Project
- Regional adoption agency
- School admissions
- School admissions appeal and independent review panels
- School attendance legal proceedings
- School communications
- School estate management
- School governor appointments – academies
- School governor appointments – maintained schools
- School organisation statutory consultations
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer
- Special guardianship orders
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
- Victims of crime
- Virtual school
- Young carers self-assessment
- Young person
- Zoho desk
Democracy and transparency
- Committee reports – part 2
- Councillor correspondence
- Leader programmes
- Prospective Councillor information sessions privacy notice
- Scrutiny
Economy and enterprise
- AI awareness training for small and medium enterprises
- Be Ready Employer Hub Project
- Connecting Devon and Somerset
- Community renewal fund privacy notice
- Core Sector Digital Training
- Devon Business Ambassadors
- Devonomics
- Devon Delivers
- Devon Funding News
- Devon work hubs
- Digital Maturity Index Tool
- Doing What Matters Community Grants Fund
- Economic research
- Growth support programme
- Growth support Kickstart Grant Scheme
- Growing communities fund
- Heart of the South West Covid-19 research
- Invest Devon
- Public Engagement for St Thomas Library
- Skills, Employment and Learning Hub
Environment and landscape
- Devon Agri-Tech Accelerator
- Devon Countryside Access Forum
- Emergency Tree Fund
- EV charging at Parish and Community car parks in Devon
- Farming in Protected Landscapes programme
- Flood and coastal risk management
- Forestry assessment
- Food Rescue
- Free tree schemes
- Future Farming Resilience
- Grand Western Canal Country Park customers
- Historic environment
- Natural environment
- Planning applications
- Planning application representations
- Public rights of way
- Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) Agri-intensive project
- Stover Country Park CCTV
- Stover Country Park customers
- Town or village green applications
- Tree planting (community planting events)
- Tree safety and overgrown vegetation
- Waste management capacity survey
Healthy and active
Inside Devon
- Brexit preparations – quick response
- Devon Channel Panel
- Intermediary worker
- Live chat
- Preventing Exploitation Toolkit survey
Inside the Council
- Accounts payable and receivable
- Annual accounts
- Apprenticeship Levy – transfer of funds
- Apprenticeship Levy – voluntary aided and foundation schools
- Council services, projects and campaign news
- Coaching network
- Customer feedback
- Customer services
- Direct payments automated surplus reclaim
- Devon Registration Service
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) applicants
- Emergency incident response logs
- Emergency planning
- Employees
- External funding
- General enquiries
- Health and safety
- Health and safety claims
- Image and case study consent
- Income Collection and Debt Management
- Information governance
- Information requests
- Insurance claims for all DCC services
- IT Adoption and Change Team
- Job applicants
- Learning management system
- Legal services
- National Fraud Initiative
- Online payments – goods and services
- Premises emergency contacts
- Procurement
- Unacceptable behaviour and discrimination reporting
- Unacceptable customer behaviour records
- Temp Solutions
- Ukrainian guests
- Ukrainian guests – Russian version
- Ukrainian guests – Ukrainian version
- Ukrainian sponsors
- Use of public wifi
- User research activities
- Vivup employee benefits scheme
- Volunteer website testers
- Warning marker
Roads and transport
- Bridge design, construction and inspection and engineering quality control
- Civil engineering and building design, construction, maintenance and inspection
- Highways body worn cameras
- Highway community projects
- Highway defect reporting
- Highways development management
- Highway licences
- Highways (third party claims)
- Live chat
- Parking services
- Public rights of way
- Road collisions data
- Road safety
- Street works register
- Traffic cameras
- Traffic regulation orders
- Transport coordination
- Transport planning
- Travel Devon
- Tree safety and overgrown vegetation
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