Devon County Council (DCC) is collecting and or processing your personal data as a Data Controller under Data Protection Legislation and our ICO registration number is Z6475582.
This privacy notice concerns the processing of personal data that takes place by the Market Management Team and operational teams (Arranging Support Team and Community Health and Social Care teams, and specialist teams, for example, County Disability team, ADHD and Autism team).
This notice explains what information we collect, why we collect it and how we keep it secure. It also explains your rights and our legal obligation. Should you wish to find out more about Devon County Council’s data protection policies please contact our Data Protection Officer.
We will notify you of any changes to this privacy notice
This privacy notice was last updated 6 March 2023. If we use your personal data for any new purposes, updates will be made to the policy information and changes communicated, where necessary in accordance with current data protection legislation. Any queries relating to this privacy notice please contact the Data Protection Officer.
What information are we processing?
We may collect, store or otherwise process information about you which may include:
- name
- contact details (email address and telephone number)
- date of birth
- Social Care ID number
- Information relating to direct payments pre-paid card and other financial information.
Purpose of collecting or processing your personal data
DCC may need to collect or otherwise process your personal data to support with the direct payments pre-paid card automated surplus reclaim process.
The legal basis for us collecting your personal data
Where we are collecting personal data about you for the provision of one of the purposes outlined in this privacy notice, we rely upon the following provisions of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).
Article 6(1)(e) – processing for the purposes of delivering a public task carried out in the public interest.
Personal data that is collected for any of the purposes outlined in this notice is never used for direct marketing purposes and is not sold on to any other third parties.
Recipients or categories of recipients that we may share your personal data with
When processing your personal data, it may be necessary for us to share personal data with third-party organisations such as Disability Focus (if you already receive a service from this organisation for support with managing your direct payment).
If we feel that it is necessary to share your personal data with professionals to ensure you or someone you work with is safeguarded from harm, we rely upon the provisions of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and Children Act 1989 & 2004.
Where it is necessary to share medical or social care information for these purposes, we rely upon article 9(2)(h) of the General Data Protection Regulation (information necessary for medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems).
We may also need to share some personal data about you, so that we can support third party organisations to discharge their regulatory requirements. This includes organisations such as the:
- data protection regulator (the Information Commissioner’s Office)
- Care Quality Commission
We may also share information to enable us to comply with court orders and other legal obligations. If this is necessary, we will only share the minimum amount of personal data needed for this purpose.
How long will we hold your personal data?
Devon County Council will retain your personal data for six years.
Your data protection rights
Under Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to obtain a copy of their personal records held by us, this is called a Subject Access Request (SAR).
Details of how to make a suject access request can be found here.
Further details on your rights under data protection legislation and how to exercise them.
International transfers
Devon County Council will not transfer personal data to countries that are outside of the territorial scope of UK data protection laws without the required safeguards outlined in Chapter 5 of the UK GDPR being implemented.
If you have any comments, queries or complaints about this privacy notice or the processing of your personal data please contact our Data Protection Officer.
Alternatively, if you are not happy with the way that DCC is handling your personal data, you are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). The Information Commissioners Office enforces and oversees the Data Protection Regulations.
Contact details are below:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Automated decisions
Devon County Council does not intend to use your personal data to make automated decisions that might impact you.
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