Devon County Council publishes many responses to previous freedom of information requests which are available online and can be located by searching with keywords, categories or tags.
Previous responses include those where we have indicated that we do not hold the information as the relevant service is provided by district and unitary councils in Devon. Search using the information not held keywords or select the information not held category or tag. Links are provided to other council websites so you can submit your request to them directly.
We provide links to information on our public website via the menu options on the left < from Who We Are and What We Do to Lists and Registers.
There are also many specialist sources of information that you can search, a sample is linked to below:
- Devon County Council Committee Agendas and Minutes
- Organisational Structure – Senior managers
- Council finance
- Transparency Code
- Facts and Figures – Devon population
- Potholes – numbers and spending
- Retention Schedule – how long we keep information
We recommend that you search whichever of the above you think are appropriate as the information you need may already be available.
If you cannot find the information you need, or it is not currently published you can make a request.
You are entitled to request information from us under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and Freedom of Information Act 2000 and we are committed to responding to these requests in a professional, lawful and timely manner. We publish information on our response rates for Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, including Devon County Council, and places a number of obligations on that public authority.
If you make a freedom of information request to us we must inform you if we hold that information or not and, subject to any exemptions, provide it to you within twenty working days of receiving your request.
Your request should be in writing and you do not have to state why you need the information but please provide us with contact details for our response.
Reminder – Devon County Council is not responsible for all local government functions in Devon – there are two unitary and eight district councils who are responsible for a wide range of activities in their area and who are also subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
Those activities include housing, Council Tax, waste collection, environmental health, parks and leisure and planning applications.
More examples can be found Previous responses to freedom of information requests webpage – search for district councils or the topic you are interested in. Please contact the appropriate council directly using the information on the link provided.
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 give you the right to request environmental information we hold. More information about how environmental information is defined is on our Environmental Information Regulations page.
We may also hold and process personal information about you which you are legally entitled to view under data protection laws and publish detailed guidance about how you can access your personal data and how we process it securely and fairly.