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Feedback and complaints

You are right at the heart of everything we do and we welcome your feedback. This helps us to improve our services and to make sure we treat everyone fairly. Sometimes things do go wrong. If this happens we need you to tell us so that we can try and put it right and stop it from happening to others.

We also want to know when our staff have done a good job or exceeded expectations when delivering a service. Compliments will be passed to the relevant manager who will ensure that the team or staff member receives acknowledgement and recognition.

To make a complaint about one of our services, please choose the relevant online form:

To provide other feedback you can:

Or you can write to:

Customer Relations Team
County Hall
Topsham Road

Download a copy of our leaflet which includes a feedback form for you to print out.

An easy read factsheet and easy read feedback form are also available.

For further information please view our corporate feedback procedure or our complaints policy.

If you are a young person in our care, or a care leaver, you may find this guide to our complaints processes useful.

There are a number of other ways you can provide feedback:

County councillors

If you wish to complain about the conduct of a councillor see making a complaint about a Devon County Councillor.


If you wish to make a complaint about a school, please read our guide to school complaints.


If you wish to make a complaint about a highways-related problem please see our highways complaints page.

Adult social care

Give us feedback about adult social care services and get more information about our procedures.

Children’s social care

Give us feedback about children’s social care services and get more information about our procedures.

Any other service

Give us feedback about any other service we provide.

Help to make a complaint

If you need help to progress your complaint, please contact the Customer Relations Team who will be able to discuss your requirements with you.

We understand and respect that some people may need advice and support from an independent advocate to make their complaint, to pursue it, to understand the process and to cope with the outcome.

We acknowledge that this is particularly important for people who are vulnerable or find it difficult to make their views heard, or for complainants whose first language is not English and those with communication difficulties.

You can find more information on advocacy services in Devon on our Adult Social Care website. Alternatively, depending on your needs, you could contact Age UK, Citizens Advice or the National Youth Advocacy Service.


Annual and quarterly reports for customer relations.

Customer behaviour

Devon County Council asks that all its customers refrain from unacceptable behaviour when in contact with us or receiving services from us. Further information can be viewed on our customer notice.
