The Customer Service Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Closed on bank holidays.

If you do not speak English, ask for an interpreter. We can access a telephone interpreter.
British Sign Language users can contact us using an online interpreter who will relay your conversation with an appropriate member of Devon County Council staff, and then sign back to you their response to your questions.
Adopt South West
0345 155 1076
Phone lines available 9 am to 1 pm, Monday to Friday.
Supporting adopters, children and families throughout the adoption process and beyond.
Adult Social Care
0345 155 1007
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4:30pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm.
Information and help for older people, vulnerable adults, and their carers.
Emergency Duty Team (Adult Social Care)
- Provision of emergency social care and advice for clients urgently in need out of office hours (not including Torbay and Plymouth).
- A generic emergency service responding to social care (both adults and children) which cannot be safely left until the next day.
Blue Badges
0345 155 1006
Information on blue badges, including applying for or renewing a badge.
Children’s social work
0345 155 1078
Available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm, Friday.
For ongoing children’s social work enquiries
Consumer advice
0808 223 1133
Available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (calls are free from landlines and mobiles).
For advice on goods and services, and consumer rights.
Disability Information Service
0345 155 1005
Information and help for disabled people and carers including equipment, benefits, and care support.
Family Information Service
0345 155 1013
For information and advice on registered childcare, 2 year old funding, Max Card and services for children, young people and parents.
0345 155 1077
Advice on becoming a Foster Carer or Supported Lodgings Host for Devon County Council.
0345 155 1004
You can report problems using our Highways website. These include problems with road maintenance, traffic management and parking, streetlights and signs and public rights of way.
Learn Devon
0345 155 1014
Enrol and pay for an adult learning course.
0345 155 1001
Renewals, enquiries about the library service and your local library.
MASH (safeguarding enquiries regarding children)
0345 155 1071
Speak to someone if you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person or to notify of a private fostering arrangement.
National Bus Pass
01392 383 688
Information on the National Bus Pass scheme for Devon residents, including how to apply, renew or replace your pass.
Parking permits
0345 155 1075 (option 4)
Resident, visitor and business permit applications, renewals and enquiries.
0345 155 1002
Births, deaths, ceremonies.
Schools and education
0345 155 1019
Admissions, transport, free school meals.
Trading Standards business advice
01392 381381
Available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Waste and recycling
0345 155 1010
Help and advice. For domestic rubbish collection contact your district, city or borough council.
Youth Justice Service
For North and West Devon please call 01271 388150
For Central, East and South Devon please call 01392 384978
Alternatively you can email
Opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and on Fridays from 9am to 4pm for youth offending enquiries.
Emergencies (out of hours)
- Social Services: 0345 600 0388
- Highways: 0345 155 1008
- Animal welfare, petrol and explosives: 01392 499499
General enquiries
For information about the personal data we collect and how we will use it, read our customer services privacy notice.
Privacy notices covering a range of other services are also available.
Customer behaviour
Devon County Council asks that all its customers refrain from unacceptable behaviour when in contact with us or receiving services from us. Further information can be viewed in our customer notice.
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