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Adult social care: key service websites

Adult social care: A to Z of related services


  • Adaptations – disability

    If you have difficulty with everyday tasks like getting in and out of bed, washing, dressing or moving around there is a huge range of equipment and electronic gadgets available to help

  • Adult social care

    Helping you to find the support you need to stay healthy, happy and independent


  • Carers

    Services and benefits if you are looking after someone

  • Community transport

    Transport options for people with disabilities, people on low incomes and people living in isolated areas

  • Coronavirus advice

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice on staying healthy and well, changes to Devon County Council services, education and support for communities, employers and employees.


  • Disabilities

    Helping people with a disability find support to stay healthy, happy and independent



  • Getting out and about

    If you are finding it difficult to travel there are a range of options to help you


  • Health and wellbeing

    Devon County Council and the NHS work together to improve the health of people in Devon and make sure everyone across the county has equal access to health services

  • Help to stay living at home

    We want to help people stay living safely at home for as long as possible. If you’re struggling with any areas of living independently, there are a range of solutions to help you

  • Housing options

    Housing and residential options if you can't live at home


  • LGA Peer Challenge

    The 2023 peer challenge of adult social care commissioned from the Local Government Association.


  • Mental health

    Helping people with mental health needs to find support


  • Paying for care

    Charges and payment options for home and residential care


  • Ready Devon

    Helping businesses to attract, recruit and retain dedicated and skilled people with a disability

  • ROVI

    ROVIs (Rehabilitation Officer Visual Impairment) work with people who have significant visual impairment


    ROVICs (rehabilitation officers for visually impaired children) work with children with significant visual impairments


  • Safeguarding Adults Partnership

    The Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership website includes information on safeguarding vulnerable adults from abuse

  • Show you care

    Working together to make a difference in your community

  • Suicide prevention

    Get help and advice if you or someone you know is feeling like they can't cope.

