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Education and families: key service websites

Education and families: A to Z of related services


  • Adoption

    Providing new and permanent families for children who cannot be brought up by their natural parents


  • Childcare

    Information about childcare services

  • Childcare brokerage

    A service for parents and carers who are having difficulty finding suitable childcare

  • Children in care

    Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in our care

  • Children’s centres

    Children’s centres offer advice and support for parents and carers of children aged 0-8

  • Children’s homes

    Providing short breaks including day care and overnight stays for children and young people with complex healthcare needs, learning disabilities, autistic spectrum conditions and additional needs

  • Coronavirus advice

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice on staying healthy and well, changes to Devon County Council services, education and support for communities, employers and employees.


  • Domestic violence

    Support for adults and young people affected by domestic violence and abuse


  • Early years

    The Early Years and Childcare Service supports the expansion and improvement of services for children across Devon


  • Family support

    Information about the types of family support available in Devon

  • Fostering

    Offering a substitute home for a child or children who need looking after


  • Governor support

    Governor responsibilities, Governing Associations, how to become a governor


  • Health visitors

    Health Visitors help families during the early years of a child’s life, supporting the health and wellbeing of young children and their families


  • Inclusion services

    The Education Inclusion Service provides a statutory, but impartial service for parents and carers, school governors, headteachers, school staff and other agencies about inclusion, reintegration and exclusion


  • Learn Devon

    Learn Devon provides adult and community learning courses on behalf of Devon County Council

  • Libraries

    Renew a book online or use the library catalogue to find and reserve books, films, music and more


  • Nursery plus

    A Devon educational outreach service supporting Early Years settings to meet the needs of children identified with additional or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


  • Portage

    Portage is an early years education service for children with significant or complex developmental delay, including cognition (acquiring knowledge or understanding)

  • Post-16 education

    Find out about options for training and further education for children aged 16 and over

  • Private fostering

    When a child is looked after by someone who is not a close relative, guardian or person with parental responsibility

  • Public health nursing

    The Public Health Nursing Service provides Health Visiting and School Nursing services.


  • Religious education

    Information and support regarding religious education and collective worship


    ROVICs (rehabilitation officers for visually impaired children) work with children with significant visual impairments


  • School attendance

    Parent’s and The Council’s responsibilities for children's attendance at school

  • School meals

    Information about school meals, including how to apply for free school meals

  • School nurses

    School Nurses provide information and support to school-aged children and their families who live in Devon or attend a Devon school

  • School transport

    Information and support for parents and young people about getting to school or college

  • Secondary schools

    information on secondary schools in the Devon County Council area

  • Space youth centres

    Space is a newly formed charitable organisation dedicated to providing the highest quality services for young people and their communities

  • Support – for schools

    Supporting schools in day-to-day activities as well helping to improve outcomes for young people



  • Virtual School

    Supporting children in care living in Devon or who are looked after by Devon but live elsewhere



  • Youth Justice Service

    Devon’s Youth Justice Service works with young people that get into trouble with the law
