Providing new and permanent families for children who cannot be brought up by their natural parents
Providing new and permanent families for children who cannot be brought up by their natural parents
Transferring apprenticeship levy funds to other employers
Protecting children from abuse, neglect or harm
Information about childcare services
A service for parents and carers who are having difficulty finding suitable childcare
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in our care
Children’s centres offer advice and support for parents and carers of children aged 0-8
Providing short breaks including day care and overnight stays for children and young people with complex healthcare needs, learning disabilities, autistic spectrum conditions and additional needs
Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice on staying healthy and well, changes to Devon County Council services, education and support for communities, employers and employees.
Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022-24
Statutory consultative committee for the funding of maintained schools in Devon
Information about how to recognise child abuse, where to go for help and support, and keeping children safe and healthy
Information on direct payments for children
Support for adults and young people affected by domestic violence and abuse
The Early Years and Childcare Service supports the expansion and improvement of services for children across Devon
School sizes, pupil numbers, school characteristics
A step-by-step guide to EHC needs assessments and plans.
Helping you to educate your child at home
Information about the types of family support available in Devon
Find childcare and other services in Devon for children, young people and parents
Offering a substitute home for a child or children who need looking after
Governor responsibilities, Governing Associations, how to become a governor
Health Visitors help families during the early years of a child’s life, supporting the health and wellbeing of young children and their families
The HAF programme aims to support children to eat more healthily and be more active over the school holidays
The Education Inclusion Service provides a statutory, but impartial service for parents and carers, school governors, headteachers, school staff and other agencies about inclusion, reintegration and exclusion
Learn Devon provides adult and community learning courses on behalf of Devon County Council
Renew a book online or use the library catalogue to find and reserve books, films, music and more
A Devon educational outreach service supporting Early Years settings to meet the needs of children identified with additional or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Portage is an early years education service for children with significant or complex developmental delay, including cognition (acquiring knowledge or understanding)
Find out about options for training and further education for children aged 16 and over
find a primary school in the Devon County Council area
When a child is looked after by someone who is not a close relative, guardian or person with parental responsibility
The Public Health Nursing Service provides Health Visiting and School Nursing services.
Information and support regarding religious education and collective worship
ROVICs (rehabilitation officers for visually impaired children) work with children with significant visual impairments
Find out how to get your child into school and when to apply
Parent’s and The Council’s responsibilities for children's attendance at school
Information about school closures
Search for schools in Devon
Information about school meals, including how to apply for free school meals
School Nurses provide information and support to school-aged children and their families who live in Devon or attend a Devon school
Information and support for parents and young people about getting to school or college
Information about school route delays and closures
information on secondary schools in the Devon County Council area
information and advice about sensory Impairments and the support available
Space is a newly formed charitable organisation dedicated to providing the highest quality services for young people and their communities
Our Local Offer details the support available in Devon for children with physical, sensory or learning disabilities
Supporting schools in day-to-day activities as well helping to improve outcomes for young people
Find school term dates
Supporting children in care living in Devon or who are looked after by Devon but live elsewhere
Wraparound childcare
Information about services for young people
Devon’s Youth Justice Service works with young people that get into trouble with the law
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