Useful resources, tools and information
What does Adult Social Care do?
What teams do we have, what we are responsible for and statutory information and guidance.
Our Adult Social Care Practice Standards
The Practice Standards and Values provide a framework for our interactions with you, with our partners, and with ourselves.
Mental capacity and deprivation of liberty
Useful information about mental capacity guidance, information and understanding the Liberty Protection Safeguards.
Have your say on Adult Social Care
Devon County Council is committed to enabling people who receive our support to have their say in the planning, commissioning and provision of services, whenever possible.
Feedback and complaints
Help us to improve our services by telling us about your experiences – good and bad.
Equality and diversity commitment
Our public commitment to equality and diversity across our service provision and partners.
Vision and strategies
Read about our new vision and strategies for promoting independence.
Our annual reports
Read our latest annual reports.
Devon Adult Social Care Peer Challenge 2023
Devon County Council commissioned from the Local Government Association a Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care in 2023.
Our policies
Links to our current policies which define our services and support that we offer through Adult Social Care.
Our Adult Social Care teams
Find out more about our teams and their roles and responsibilities.
Our registered services
The CQC registered services we operate.
Different council responsibilities
More information about the various councils, their responsibilities and services they offer.
Provider Engagement Network
Supporting health and social care providers in Devon.
Information for professionals
Find the latest guidance on how to contact Adult Social Care.
Connecting people to their community and promoting social action.
Information on safeguarding adults at risk from abuse.