Financial assessment – information needed
For residential or nursing care
We will contact you to work out how much you have to pay towards your care services. We will ask you about:
- your weekly income as detailed in The Care Act – for example, pension income and majority of state benefits and any other income
- your capital as detailed in The Care Act (savings/ investments) – this could be money you have in bank and building society accounts, stocks and shares, investment bonds and policies, Premium Bonds, income bonds and any other savings and investments
- property or land you solely or jointly own – including the house you live in
If you will be staying in a residential or nursing care home on a short term or respite (replacement care) basis, we will ask you about the above plus:
- your housing costs, this includes your rent or mortgage, council tax, water rates, household insurance, service charges and community alarm systems
- property or land you solely or jointly own – not including the house you live in.
If you don’t want to give us details about your finances we will not be able to do a financial assessment and you will have to pay the full cost of any care and support services you receive.
If we identify that you may be entitled to additional benefits, we will advise you of this and provide information and contact details of who can assist you, if needed.
We will also tell you if any of your benefits will be affected by moving into long-term residential or nursing care – for example, your entitlement to Attendance Allowance may stop – and what this means to how much you pay towards your care.