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Support at home

Across Devon, we want more people to live independently in their own homes in the community, to benefit from support that is strengths based and live the life that is right for them.

We want to create a fairer, healthier, more inclusive and caring society where people feel safe and connected within their community, and able to help themselves and each other.


  • Adapting your home

    Making small or big adjustments to your home can improve your independence – from handrails and ramps to toilet seats.

  • Safeguarding

    If you have any concerns around someone or yourself who is at risk of abuse or neglect.

  • Clever apps and smart technology

    Take a look at the many ways technology can help you to be healthier, and stay independent.

  • Care at home – day services, enabling and personal care

    More information about day services, enabling and personal care and how to arrange support if you need it.

  • Regaining your independence

    The Social Care Reablement Service can help you to regain your independence after a hospital stay or illness.

  • Home safety

    From scams, to falls, fire safety and personal security. We can all be aware and improve our home safety.

  • Independent living centre buying guides

    Our Before you Buy guides have been written to help you find the right piece of equipment to meet your needs.

  • Clothing advice service

    We offer a clothing advice service which can help if you struggle to get dressed, or need specialist clothing to meet your needs.

  • Self-directed support

    The support can be delivered in several different ways, but self-directed support is where the person takes responsibility for managing their own support arrangements.

  • Finding a personal assistant

    Guidance on finding or employing a personal assistant (carer) to meet your support needs,

  • Ethnically diverse communities

    This directory contains details of the many organisations and agencies in Devon that offer support services for people from Black, Asian and ethnically diverse communities.
