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Social care in Devon

Our policies

Here you can find our policies and procedures, and further links to the guidance and legal requirements which govern how we work.

You can print them off and keep them for reference or give them to people without internet access, but always print off a new copy when needed to be sure you are using the most up-to-date information.

Devon County Council is committed to eliminating discrimination, providing equality of opportunity and challenging prejudice in order to advance the achievement of equality and foster good relations between diverse groups in Devon. Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is available to read in full.

Our goal is to ensure that this commitment is embedded in our day to day working practices, in everything we do including when working in partnership. We will ensure that services are provided in a way that embraces diversity and promotes fairness and access.

As an employer, we will enhance and value diversity within our workforce through inclusive practice. We will provide equality of opportunity in all that we do and assess the impact of our proposals and decisions on diverse communities. 

We will not tolerate discrimination and harassment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation or socio-economic standing. Our Equality Policy sets out what we expect of our staff in order to meet this commitment. 

Devon County Council has an anti-racism framework that describes what it is doing now and in the medium and long-term to address racism in the workplace and community, and to become an anti-racist organisation.

Its intended outcome is to ensure everyone in Devon is safe, well and thriving. This is the context for how our policies are delivered. In Integrated Adult Social Care we also have guidance for our managers and staff that supports Devon County Council’s commitment to anti-racist practice and a zero-tolerance approach to racism towards our staff, and staff of agencies we commission.

For further information about our policies please contact James Martin, Policy Manager. Email

Promoting independence

Promoting independence’ means enabling as many residents as possible to stay healthy and active in their communities for as long as possible with the minimal necessary reliance on publicly funded health and care services.

Independence is enabled through personal resilience and resourcefulness, strong family and social relationships, and access to community opportunities and support. This policy sets out how Devon County Council will support people in a way that promotes their independence.

First contact and identifying needs

Charging and financial assessment

Person-centred care and support planning

Moving between areas: Inter-local authority and cross-border issues

More information on national legislation and local authority duties relating to this area can be found in Chapters 19 to 21 of the Care Act Statutory Guidance

Adult safeguarding

Equality duties

Prison Buddy Support scheme


Other policies

Devon Adult Social Care Peer Challenge 2023

Devon County Council commissioned from the Local Government Association a Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care in 2023.

For full details, including the outcomes of this challenge, please see the dedicated Peer Challenge Webpages.
