Most people have to pay towards their care costs depending on the outcome of a financial assessment. This is a fair assessment of your financial circumstances.
More information about financial assessments can be found in our factsheets on paying for residential and nursing care and paying for community care services.
You can also find easy read information about paying for care.

How much will I have to pay?
If your savings or investments are over the upper capital limit (£23,250), you will have to pay the full cost of any care services you receive. Many people who find themselves in this position decide to arrange their care and support themselves – as there is no need to involve the council in their care.
If your savings or investments total less than the lower capital limit (£14,250) you will contribute from your income alone.
Savings and investments between the lower and upper capital limits will have a tariff income applied. This is £1 per week for every £250 (or part thereof).
For example, savings or investments of £16,500 will attract a tariff of £9 per week (£16,500 – £14,250 ÷ £250 = £9).
Please note: If you do not want to give us your financial details, you will have to pay the full cost of any care services you receive arranged through DCC.
In some circumstances, you will not have to pay towards your care services. For example, when you:
- receive support from Intermediate Care or Reablement Services
- are receiving care services, as part of Section 117 arrangements of the Mental Health Act 2007
- are receiving care services funded by the NHS under Continuing Health Care (CHC)
- have needs that can be met by equipment or minor adaptations
A privacy notice is available to explain the processing of personal data that takes place by the Client Financial Services Team.
You can pay for care and support services organised or provided by Devon County Council using our online payment service.