It’s vitally important that we hold ourselves to high standards when working with people in any community, and any neighbourhood. We have developed our Practice Standards and Values to help us do that and to set out what you can expect from us.
The Practice Standards and Values are part of our identity, they provide a framework for our interactions with you, with our partners, and with ourselves.
They ensure we are always strengths-based in our approach, that we have the right conversations with you to understand the things that are important to you, and that we can empower you to live the life you want to live.
The Practice Standards and Values ensure we are always thinking about equality of access, experience and outcomes for everybody who we interact with.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the development of the practice standards, including the Quality Standards Co-Production Action Group that has ensured the voice of experts by experience has shaped this work.
Tandra Forster, Director of Integrated Adult Social Care, 2024
Standard 1: Working with people
I can get information and advice about how I can maintain and promote my wellbeing.
I feel fully involved in my social care conversations and any arrangements.
I am listened to, and my views and wishes are understood and respected.
I am kept informed and updated along the way and I know who to contact and how to contact them.
Standard 2: Strengths-based conversations
I am supported by people who see me as a unique person with strengths, abilities, and aspirations. The people supporting me listen carefully, so they understand what matters to me.
I am empowered to be independent and live a life I want, for example having support to manage my health and wellbeing in a way that makes sense to me.
Standard 3: Personalised care and support planning
I have care and support that enables me to live as I want to, seeing me as a unique person with skills, strengths, and personal goals.
I am in control of planning my care and support. If I need help with this, people who know and care about me are involved.
I am valued for the contribution that I make to my community.
I have a place I can call home, not just a ‘bed’ or somewhere that provides me with care.
I have care and support that is coordinated, and everyone works well with me and each other.
I am supported to plan for important changes in life that I can anticipate.
I have a co-produced personal plan that sets out how I can be as active and involved in my community as possible.
Standard 4: Reviews of care and support plans
I have a review of my care and support plan 6 to 8 weeks after it has commenced and then at least every 12 months. I can request a review sooner when there is a change in my needs or circumstances, my outcomes, or my plan.
I am supported through conversations to review my care and support needs, personal outcomes and plan how effectively they are meeting my personal aspirations.
Standard 5: Decision making
I have the information I need when I need it to help me make decisions. No decision will be made about me without me.
When a decision is made on my behalf it is made considering my views and wishes and is made in my best interests.
I am supported to make decisions by people who see things from my point of view, with concern for what matters to me, my wellbeing and health.
Standard 6: Safeguarding people
I am asked what I want the outcomes to be from the safeguarding work, and my views directly inform what happens.
I receive clear and simple information about what abuse is, how to recognise the signs, and what I can do to seek help. I get help and support to report abuse and neglect.
I am sure that the professionals will work in my interests, as I see them, and they will only get involved as much as needed.
I get help so that I can take part in the safeguarding process to the extent to which I want.
I know that staff treat personal and sensitive information in confidence, only sharing what is helpful and necessary.
I am confident that professionals will work together, and with me, to get the best result for me.
I understand the role of everyone involved in my life and so do they.
Standard 7: Working with carers
I am recognised and respected as an expert partner in care and involved holistically in planning care and support, decision making and reviews of care and support plans.
I am supported and empowered to fulfil this role, and have choice as to whether I am able or willing to have this role.
Note: in addition to the I statement above, practitioners, managers, and those responsible for practice quality assurance are expected to refer to the I statements in Devon County Council’s Adult Carers Policy.
The above statement is not intended to replace the statement in the Adult Carers Policy but rather complement and summarise to avoid duplication.
Standard 8: Case recording
I have records kept about me and my social care needs that are accurate, concise, and relevant. They are written respectfully, and they are clear enough that I don’t have to tell my story more than once.
Standard 9: Equality, diversity and inclusion
I feel valued and included for the contribution that I make to my local community.
I am treated with dignity and respect.
I feel welcome and safe in my local community and can join in community life and activities that are important to me.
I feel safe in my home, which is designed so that I can be as independent as possible.
I can keep in touch and meet up with people who are important to me, including family, friends and people who share my interests, identity, and culture.
I am supported by people who listen carefully, so they know what matters to me and how to support me to live the life I want.
Standard 10: Supervision (for our staff)
I am supported by people who see me as a unique person with strengths, abilities, and aspirations.
I am supported by people who listen carefully, so they know what matters to me and how to support me to live the life I want.
I am supported to make decisions by people who see things from my point of view, with concern for what matters to me, my wellbeing and health.
I have considerate support delivered by competent people.
We work in person-led ways that are strengths-based, support positive risk taking and are anti-discriminatory in order to promote wellbeing, independence, choice and control.
How we will work
- Strengths-based approaches
- Solutions-focused practice
- Trauma-informed
- Co-production approaches
- Recognising and appreciating the value of all members of our teams
- Positive risk-taking
- Actively seeking to reduce dependency
Our conduct will be
- People-focused
- Value-based
- Person-led
- Anti-racist
- Anti-discriminatory
- Promoting wellbeing and independence
- Promoting dignity and respect
- Enabling choice and control
We listen to people, demonstrate empathy, promote respect and dignity by finding solutions together and undertaking balanced decision-making.
How we will work
- Empathy
- Respect
- Dignity
- Listening
- Valuing and appreciating ourselves and each other
- Balanced decision-making
- Finding solutions together
Our conduct will be
- Caring
- Humble
- Relationship-based
- Responsive in our communication
- Kind
- Human
We demonstrate evidence-based learning that is legally literate. We exhibit professional curiosity, creativity and innovation when finding solutions. We have a culture of continuous improvement.
How we will work
- Evidence-based
- Best practice
- Promoting wellbeing and independence
- Innovation
- Freedom to try new things
- Communication
- Enhancing opportunities for ourselves and others
Our conduct will be
- Curious
- Legally literate
- Digitally literate
- Open
- Creative
- Experimental
- Empowered to make relevant decisions
- Networked
We demonstrate integrity, inspire confidence, uphold equity and justice, lead by example, and work to the social care legislation, ethical and professional standards.
How we will work
- Doing what we say we are going to do
- Inspiring confidence
- Principles of equity and justice
- Ethics-based
- Leading by example
- Demonstrating our codes of practice, ethics, IASC values, IASC practice standards, and core principles and behaviours
Our conduct will be
- Open, honest and transparent
- Trustworthy
- Fair
- Proactive in challenging injustice
- Committed
- Engaged
- Present
We adapt, scan horizons, promote inclusion and diversity, prevent, reduce and delay needs. We will be visionary, proactively curious, innovative, brave and facilitative.
How we will work
- Moving with the times
- Scanning our horizons
- Inclusion
- Valuing diversity
- Taking action to prevent, reduce and delay needs
Our conduct will be
- Visionary
- Proactively curious
- Innovative
- Brave and courageous
- Constructive
- Pioneering
- Aspirational
- Facilitative in our approach