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Paying for care

FAQs – paying for residential or nursing care

If you or someone you know has had a social care needs assessment and is eligible for care and support in a care home setting, you may have questions relating to the costs involved.

To help you we have put together these frequently asked questions and answers.

  • Will I have to pay towards the cost of my residential or nursing care?

    Yes most people have to pay towards their residential care costs.

  • How much will I have to pay?

    That will depend on the outcome of your financial assessment.

  • What is a financial assessment?

    The financial assessment or means test will look at the levels of your income and capital. If your stay in residential care is for respite or a short stay we will also take into account certain housing costs.

    More information is available in our Paying for residential and nursing care factsheet.

  • Who works out how much I have to pay?

    Devon County Council’s Client Financial Services (CFS) team is responsible for working out how much you will have to pay.

  • How do you work out how much I have to pay?

    We will contact you to go through financial assessment process via Microsoft Teams or telephone. We will ask you questions about your weekly income, your capital, savings and investments, and housing costs (if you are having a respite or short stay).

    Your financial assessment is conducted in accordance with the Care and Support Statutory Guidance, The Care Act 2014.

  • Are my savings and investments taken into account?

    Yes, but if your capital, savings and investments total less than the Lower Capital Limit of £14,250 these will be fully disregarded and you will contribute from your income alone.

    If your capital, savings and investments total more than the Upper Capital Limit of £23,250 you will have to pay the full cost of any services you receive.

    Capital, savings and investments totalling between the lower and upper limits will have a tariff applied. This is £1 per week for every £250 (or part thereof). For example, capital of £16,500 will attract a tariff income of £9 per week (£16,500 – £14,250 ÷ £250 = £9).

    Please note: If you do not want to give us your financial details, you will have to pay the full cost of your residential care.

  • How do you treat joint savings and investments?

    Any jointly held capital, savings and investments will be divided equally between you. Unless it can be proven otherwise.

    More information can be found in the Care and support statutory guidance on GOV.UK

  • Will my income be taken into account in the financial assessment?

    Yes, most pensionable income and benefits are taken fully into account in your financial assessment.

    There are a few exceptions such as PIP or DLA Mobility Allowance which is fully disregarded.

    Other income such as Occupational Pensions may be partially disregarded when made available to a spouse or partner.

    More information can be found in the Care and support statutory guidance on GOV.UK

  • Is there a difference in charging between respite/short stays and long term care?”

    Yes, the charging rules are different, for respite or a short stay we will take into account housing costs within the financial assessment.

    For long-term care, housing costs are not applicable, and the value of your home may be taken into account depending on your individual circumstances.

  • Will you take the value of my home into account?

    If you are the sole owner of a property, you formerly lived in alone, yes the value of your property will be taken into account as capital within the financial assessment.

    If the property is jointly owned or occupied by another person we will need to ask for more details before being able to confirm how the property will be treated within the financial assessment.

  • Will I have to sell my former home to pay for my accommodation costs?

    If the value of your property is to be taken into account, you may be offered a Deferred Payment Agreement. We will discuss this with you when undertaking the financial assessment.

    More information can be found in our Deferred payment agreements factsheet

  • What if I want to move into a home costing more than DCC are prepared to fund?

    If your care is being provided in a residential or nursing home you can choose where you want to live, as long as it is suitable for your needs and available at the cost we have agreed in your personal budget.

    If you choose a home that costs more than your personal budget we can arrange this for you, as long as a top-up payment is made [PS3] either by you or a third party to cover the difference between the value of your personal budget and the cost of your chosen accommodation.

    More information can be found in our Top-up payments page

  • What if I want to move into a home costing more than DCC are prepared to fund?

    If your care is being provided in a residential or nursing home you can choose where you want to live, as long as it is suitable for your needs and available at the cost we have agreed in your personal budget.

    If you choose a home that costs more than your personal budget we can arrange this for you, as long as a top-up payment is made [PS3] either by you or a third party to cover the difference between the value of your personal budget and the cost of your chosen accommodation.

    More information can be found in our Top-up payments page

  • Will I be left with any money for sundry expenses?

    Yes, the financial assessment disregards a nominal amount for your sundry expenses such as toiletries or confectionery. This is called the Personal Expense Allowance. The rate is set annually by the Department of Health and Social Care and is currently £30.15 per week.

  • I need help filling in the Income and Expenditure form

    If you prefer you may call us on 01392 384391 and we can take all your information over the telephone. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 1.00pm (excluding bank holidays).

  • What if I disagree with the outcome of my financial assessment?

    If you disagree with the outcome of your financial assessment because you think we have incorrectly calculated your charge or we have used incorrect or incomplete information, please email or write to us at:

    Client Financial Services
    Devon County Council
    Room 180
    County Hall
    Topsham Road
    EX2 4QD



    What if I don’t agree with the outcome of my financial assessment?

  • How do I pay?

    Once we have worked out how much you are to pay towards your residential / nursing care you will be sent a payment schedule so you know how to pay every four weeks.

    It is easier to pay by Direct Debit. We will send you a Direct Debit mandate to complete and return with the outcome of your financial assessment.

    If you do not want to pay by Direct Debit, other ways to pay, for example, via online banking etc are detailed on the reverse of the Statement of Accounts sent to you.

  • What if my financial circumstances change?

    If your financial circumstances change, please ensure you let us know immediately as this may affect how much you are required to pay.

  • When will my charge be reviewed?

    We will review your financial assessment at least once per year. When we will tell you if any changes need to be made to your assessed weekly charge.

  • I still have some questions, where can I find out more?

    If you cannot find the answers you need in our Pay towards your care and support services – what you need to know | Devon County Council web pages you can call Client Financial Services at 01392 384391. Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 1.00pm (excluding bank holidays).


    Client Financial Services
    Devon County Council
    Room 180
    County Hall
    Topsham Road
    EX2 4QD


A privacy notice is available to explain the processing of personal data that takes place by the Client Financial Services Team.
