If you have had a social care needs assessment and are eligible for care and support services, we will discuss how your needs can best be met.
This could be through care and support to help you stay living at home, such as:
- personal care – help with washing, dressing and going to the toilet
- day opportunities – attending a day centre
- enabling support – help with cooking a meal
- respite care not provided in a care home – such as a short break or holiday
- direct payments – to give more flexibility in how services are provided
This type of care is also known as community-based care and support.
Most people have to pay towards their care costs depending on the outcome of a financial assessment. This is a fair assessment of your financial circumstances.
Devon County Council’s Client Financial Services Team are responsible for working out how much you will have to pay. They will also send you a bill every 4 weeks for your assessed contribution, and deal with any issues resulting from non-payment of the account.