Many carers manage caring responsibilities alongside a full or part-time job. You have the right to take up to five days of unpaid leave from work each year to fulfil your caring responsibilities. It is available from the first day of employment.
Helping carers looking for employment
If you are hoping to return to work, there are a number of services that can help:
The Devon Advice Service for Working Age Carers (DASWAC) can give you a free benefit check which will look at whether you would be better off working, and how starting work or changing your hours would affect your income and benefits. To use this service contact Devon Carers on 0345 643 4435.
Devon Carers run regular ‘help in to work’ workshops giving you a chance to find out more about the support available to get back into work and speak directly to employers. To find out more call 0345 643 4435.
Helping carers in employment
If you are feeling down, anxious or stressed because you are juggling work with a caring role, returning to work, or worrying about your job, the Devon Partnership NHS Trust’s Talking Therapies Service (Talkworks) can help you to cope and improve your emotional wellbeing. If you think this service could help you, refer yourself online, contact them directly or speak to your GP.
If you are not sure about how you will travel to work or want help planning a regular work journey, Travel Devon can offer you a free personalised travel plan.
Your employer can access resources to support you to balance your caring role while working. They may even consider becoming a carer friendly employer.
Helping carers who are looking to leave employment (including retirement)
If you are thinking of leaving work, it’s important to consider the full implications it could have for your income, quality of life and future pension entitlements. Carers UK has some useful information and advice on what to consider.