
Devon Adult Social Care Peer Challenge 2023

Devon County Council has commissioned from the Local Government Association a Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care:

We have asked them to use the Care Quality Commission Assurance Framework:

We have also asked them to pay particular attention to:

  • Practice Quality Assurance in care management and safeguarding
  • Front door, prevention, and early intervention
  • Delivery of our market sustainability plan

This is not an inspection but an opportunity for a team of people who understand the pressures of running a local authority to review the Council’s delivery of its adult social care duties in a challenging but supportive way. It includes an assessment of current achievements and provides recommendations of how further improvements can be made.

The Peer Challenge will give us constructive feedback on the delivery of our statutory duties defined by the Care Act (2014). This will inform our improvement plan, help us refine our self-assessment, and highlight any evidence gaps. It will also enable us to rehearse arrangements for future CQC visits including facilities, logistics, timetabling and communications.

The Peer Challenge will take place from the 19th to the 21st of July 2023 with a preceding case audit scheduled for the 3rd and 4th of July 2023.

The process of the Peer Challenge will include self-assessment; document review; case audit; onsite work for three days; key findings and practical suggestions for improvement; and written summary report with recommendations.

For further information about Devon’s Adult Social Care Peer Challenge please contact us at LGAPeerChallenge@devon.gov.uk.