Deaf and/or Hard of Hearing Team: How we support children and young people and their families
Our team uses a positive approach, focusing on what a child or young person can do. We offer advice and guidance, appropriate for the child or young person’s age and needs (in line with the SEND code of practice) and Devon’s Ordinarily, Available and Inclusive Provision (OAIP).
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP)
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP) describes the inclusive provision and practice that all Devon schools, early years, and post 16 settings should be able to provide for all children and young people, including those with SEND, from within their own resources. This will support all children and young people to attend, engage and thrive in their educational setting.
It describes approaches, provision and practice that is ‘helpful to all, harmful to none and crucial for some’.
The following link will provide more information about Devon’s Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP) frameworks.
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision – Support for schools and settings (
Alongside the OAIP the team provide specialist provision to meet individual need.
Team core offer
- Helping families understand the diagnosis/implications of hearing
- Information about communication modes e.g. English, British Sign Language (BSL), Cued Speech
- Amplification needs and aids (hearing aids, cochlear implants, Assistive Listening Devices)
- Advice on educational provision e.g. early years settings/schools/ colleges/special schools
- Establishing care and management of any hearing aids and/or cochlear implants
- Explaining the stages of language development
- Supporting families to: – develop the child’s language (English and/or British Sign Language) – become comfortable handling hearing technology – use strategies that will develop good listening skills
- Providing training for use of equipment/deaf awareness/listening environment
- Monitoring and maintenance of equipment
- Delivering 1:1 sessions with children/young people to support various aspects of their development
- Supporting children and young people to develop language (English and/or BSL)
- Helping to develop/promote positive deaf identity
- Support children and young people through key transition stages, including preparation for adulthood.
Advisory deaf inclusion worker
Our Advisory Deaf Inclusion Worker (ADIW) supports deaf children and their families in homes and schools. They support the development of communication using BSL and act as deaf role models. They deliver courses for parents and professionals to develop awareness of deaf culture and the confidence to use BSL in the home or setting.
We offer training courses for parents, teachers, teaching assistants and other professionals (including British Sign Language) To find out more, please visit the Devon Education Services website.
Requesting access to SEND support
Schools and settings wishing to access SEND support should read the guidance and submit a request for access to SEND support form.
Contact the Deaf and/or hard of hearing Team on 01392 287239.
Professional lead for Physical and Sensory Team,
Useful links
- Devon Education Services – online learning
- Visit our Devon Education Services YouTube Channel
- Cued speech
- Happy Hands drop-in support group – Education and Families