Our team
The team comprises highly qualified advisory teachers in the fields of:
- physical difficulties
- vision impairment
- Deaf and /or hard of hearing
- multi-sensory impairment
They are supported by an educational audiologist, advisory deaf inclusion worker and a senior sensory advisor.
All members of the team have regular ongoing professional development within their specialist area to ensure that they are kept up to date with key issues that are taking place within sensory impairment.
We offer teaching, support, advice, training, early help and interventions for children and young people from 0-25, where a physical difficulty, vision, hearing or multi-sensory impairment is having an impact on their ability to access education.
Who we support
We support children and young people (CYP) aged 0-25, in their homes (0-4), pre-schools, nurseries and all educational settings including special schools.
Requesting access to SEND support
Schools and settings wishing to request SEND support should read the guidance and submit a request for access to SEND support form.
Request for access to SEND support
If one or more SEND need is identified during the request for access process the opportunity for joint working ensures that the individual needs of the child or young person are met.
What happens next?
Once a request for access is accepted, letters will be sent to both settings and parents informing them of the decision made. All children and young people will be allocated an advisory teacher who will make contact with the school within 3 working weeks (term time only) to arrange an initial visit.
Initial visit
The initial visit may consist of specialist assessments to identity need. If the CYP is in an educational setting, a discussion with the class teacher, support staff and SENCO will be needed to look at appropriate outcomes and provision.
A written report will be provided within 10 working days of the initial visit. This report will describe the diagnosis, assessment results, outline appropriate outcomes and provision in a way that can be clearly understood by parents and professionals involved.
Next steps
Appropriate outcomes and provision, using specialist sensory curriculums, that run alongside school based curriculums, will be provided for schools to use to ensure CYP can access the curriculum and be successfully included alongside their peers.
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP)
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP) describes the inclusive provision and practice that all Devon schools, early years, and post 16 settings should be able to provide for all children and young people, including those with SEND, from within their own resources. This will support all children and young people to attend, engage and thrive in their educational setting.
It describes approaches, provision and practice that is ‘helpful to all, harmful to none and crucial for some’.
The following link will provide more information about Devon’s Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP) frameworks.
Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision – Support for schools and settings (devon.gov.uk)
Useful links
- NatSIP, the National Sensory Impairment Partnership – a partnership of organisations working together to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment.
- Early Help – the initial response offered by all services in contact with children, young people and families when they need extra support to thrive.
- Action for Children – protect and support children and young people providing practical and emotional care ensuring their voices are heard and outcomes improved.
- Young Minds: Mental health support
- Young Carers Support services and assessments to unpaid carers across Devon
- Preparing for Adulthood team: The aim of the Preparing for Adulthood Team is to implement Devon’s Preparing for Adulthood Strategy, supporting young people who are likely to have needs for care and support into adulthood.