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SEND advice and guidance

SEND leadership and strategic support

Our schools should be inclusive communities in which all children and young people receive an appropriate education that helps them to achieve their best, fulfil their potential and make a successful transition into adulthood. The SENCo plays a central role in ensuring that the needs of all learners are met effectively. However, the responsibility of SEND provision must be shared with every leader and every teacher. SEND should be seen as everyone’s responsibility.

Our SEND Adviser is Hannah Chamings, who provides support for the strategic leadership and development of SEND provision and practice in our mainstream primary and secondary schools, along with a team of SEND advisory teachers.

The SEND advisory team works with all LA and MAT mainstream schools to support and develop a whole school approach to SEND. We provide support and advice through SEND support consultations, SEND network meetings, locality peer support groups, SEND reviews and bespoke visits to schools. We provide mentoring opportunities for SENCOs and support leaders to develop and embed strong systems, processes and practices for SEND that support a Graduated Approach.

SEND strategic support can assist school improvement through:

  • Supporting and strengthening a whole school approach where SEND is built in, not bolted on and SEND is seen as everyone’s business
  • Supporting the workforce to better understand and meet the needs of children and young people
  • Supporting schools to embed a consistent approach to Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision and have clear processes to support a Graduated Approach to meeting needs.
  • Ongoing SENCo development and support
  • Improving the outcomes and experiences for Devon CYP and their families.

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