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School effectiveness


Each year, the amount of time and money lost by headteachers and governors trying to resolve conflicts between parents and staff is enormous. This frequently results in rising stress levels and attention is taken away from the day-to-day running of the school.

Education and Learning Mediation Services are here to help. We believe that mediation is a positive approach to resolving difficult situations and may avoid the need for a more formal process.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary, non-confrontational resolution process whereby impartial, trained people help to overcome a dispute between two or more people by enabling them to talk about their situation, exchange their concerns and come up with ideas about how to move the dispute forward.

How can mediation help my school?

We offer a free mediation service to all Devon maintained schools and our service is also available to Devon academies at very reasonable rates.

Who are Education and Learning Mediation Services?

Education and Learning Mediation Services are made up of experienced mediators. The team has achieved great success within a variety of schools and organisations, managing and resolving conflicts of every nature. All mediators have received relevant training.

For enquiries about whether mediation may be a suitable route to resolving your issue please email
