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School effectiveness

Annual cycle of business

The annual cycle is one of the key components in ensuring that the governing board is effectively carrying out its role. The cycle will define when particular items will be considered, scrutinised, monitored, discussed or decided by the board and its committees.

Each setting will have its own priorities, which need to be incorporated within the annual cycle.
For our subscribing schools, we provide an annual cycle that gives a framework for the clerk and the board to develop to suit their own requirements.

Academy schools

The academy school model provides a cycle for the Trust Board, the Finance and Audit Committee and the School Improvement and Standards Committee.

Additionally, there is a column for individuals or groups with delegated responsibility, such as the Performance and Pay Committee, safeguarding lead trustee and finance lead.

If you are working within a multi-academy trust there is provision for the Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) to report to the board, but the cycle does not stipulate what should be carried out at LGB level, as this will depend upon what is delegated through the scheme of delegation in your trust.

Maintained schools

The maintained school model provides a cycle for the Full Governing Board, the Resources Committee and the Teaching and Learning Committee.

Additionally, there is a column for individuals or groups with delegated responsibility, such as the Headteacher Appraisal Panel, the lead governor for safeguarding and the Performance and Pay Committee.
The annual cycle works in tandem with the terms of reference, also available for subscribing schools, which define the levels of delegation for committees and individuals. Please visit the terms of reference page to download these documents.

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