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School effectiveness

Data resources

Key data resources you may find useful

Analyse School Performance (ASP)

Analyse School Performance (ASP) – ASP has replaced RAISEonline.

Perspective Lite

Perspective Lite – has interactive performance data reports and a function called Real-Time Data Trends which has performance data looking at your school, LA and national figures.

Get Information About Pupils (GIAP)

This is accessible as part of the DfE Secure Sign in. Every headteacher should have access to this website and you will be able to find historical results for pupils that are on roll.

Records for pupils moving from another school:

Section 12.3 of the KS2 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (ARA) document clearly state:

‘If a pupil moves to another school in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, the pupil’s CTF and educational records must be passed to the new school. Academies are not subject to these regulations, but are expected to adhere to the following protocols as a matter of good practice… Information must be transferred within 15 school days of the pupil ceasing to be registered at the old school.’

If you are unable to wait please be aware that your Headteacher will have access to GIAP, which will have any available historical results for your new pupils and pupils that have attended schools out of county.

The GIAS home page has contact details if you need help with registering or are having difficulties with your account.

Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT)

Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT) – is a DfE website where you can open an interactive spreadsheet for comparing data about children and young people across all local authorities in England. There is also a user guide for those who have not used this resource before.

Find and compare schools in England

Find and compare schools in England – allows you to view performance measures and make comparisons between schools. There is also a link to a general guidance page where you will find guidance and information to help you analyse the data that is reported by the DfE in the school and college performance tables and in the analyse school performance service.

DfE Statistics

Statistics at DfE – The Department for Education publishes official statistics on education and children.

Key Stages

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) – Statistics on early years foundation stage profile assessments including breakdowns by pupil characteristics. Results at national and local-authority level.
Key Stage 1 (KS1) – Statistics on national curriculum assessments at Key Stage 1 and phonics screening check results.
Key Stage 2 (KS2) – National curriculum assessments and review outcomes at Key Stage 2, including measures of progress between Key Stages 1 and 2.
GCSEs (Key Stage 4) – Statistics on Key Stage 4 results, including GCSEs.

Further statistics

School and pupil numbers – Statistics on the number and characteristics of schools and pupils.
Exclusions – Statistics on pupils who are excluded from school as well as guidance documents available for downloading.
Pupil absence – Statistics on overall authorised and unauthorised pupil absences by school type, including persistent absentees and pupil characteristics as well as guidance documents available for downloading.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) – Statistics on pupils with SEN, including information on educational attainment, destinations, absence, exclusions, and characteristics.
16 to 19 attainment – Statistics on the attainment of 16 to 19-year-olds in England, including exam results and performance tables.
Destinations of KS4 and KS5 pupils – Data on Key Stage 4 (KS4) and Key Stage 5 (KS5) students going into apprenticeship, education and employment destinations.

Assessments of pupils working out of year group

Pupils working in a lower National Curriculum Year (NYC) than their chronological age will need to have the following two rules applied to them:

  • only submit once per child per assessment, for example a child who is 6 and repeating their EYFSP year will only have one profile submitted for them.
  • only submit when the child has finished the appropriate programme of study therefore it is their national curriculum year group that dictates the data submitted for them e.g. a child who is 11 years old but in year 5 will not have KS2 TA judgements submitted for them until they have reached the end of year 6 and therefore completed the KS2 programme of study.

There is a document called Educating Out of Year Group that can be found on our Educational Psychology resources page. This can help with aspects of having a pupil working out of year group, what you will need to do and who you will need to inform. Make sure the pupil’s NYC group is clearly identified in your school’s management information systems.

Useful resources and links

Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG)


Department for Education YouTube channel

The Department for Education has a YouTube channel you can visit. You will find videos detailing: guidance, testimonials, interviews and much more.

The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) has its own area within the DfE YouTube channel where you will find assessment information including tests, teacher assessments and moderation. You can sign up to receive STA assessment updates.

Links for looking up information about schools

Data links

Data guidance
