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School effectiveness

Outdoor education

Outdoor education and off-site visits: safe practice, support and advice

Clear evidence exists that learning outside the classroom, school trips, residentials, adventurous activities and learning in nature can improve academic results, pupils’ confidence and mental health.

The service assists schools and settings to manage their responsibilities for the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of children and young people when engaged in off-site visits and activities. This includes specialist advice and support for all types of activities from walks to the park to foreign expeditions.

We provide advice and support to the Health and Safety Team and maintained schools.

Academies, Independent Schools, and establishments can purchase this advice service through the Devon Education Services website. Subscription includes access to the Evolve platform to record and submit off-site visits.

DCC maintained and subscribing schools can access a full set of resources via Evolve.

The Outdoor Education adviser is a full member of the National Outdoor Education Advisers Panel and an Accredited Provider of training for Educational Visits Coordinators and Visit Leaders. The adviser is an Accredited Practitioner of the Institute for Outdoor Learning and a member of The Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres.
