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Supporting key transitions where children are moving to the next phase of or leaving education.

We know when children and young people move onto the next phase of their education or come to the end of their time in school that these transitions are particularly significant for all involved.

Add on the impact of COVID-19 over the past 18 months and we know that this year’s transition has the potential to be even more challenging, but with careful planning and support, we can all work together to achieve a positive experience for everyone.

We also know that there is a great deal of information and this can seem overwhelming – so our teams have identified their key ‘go to’ documents to support everyone involved to find an easy starting point that can lead to further information for you to explore.

This includes guidance at a universal level as well as providing specific guidance in relation to vulnerable groups and those at greater risk of poorer outcomes over transition, for example, children in care and those with special educational needs and disabilities.


The safeguarding one minute guide – transfer of child protection safeguarding files shares key messages about information sharing in relation to safeguarding. Schools and settings should consider if it would be appropriate to share any information in advance of a child leaving to ensure that support is in place when the child or young person arrives.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Specific guidance to support transition for pupils with SEND can be found at:

Information about transition for parents and young people can also be found in Devon’s SEND Local Offer at What to consider when children change school.

Guidance for parents and carers

If needed, you can refer to our guides for parents, carers and their children. This is where you will find the ‘Next steps’ and ‘Your next step’ booklets that have been produced for parents or carers to share with their children.
