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Anti-racism in schools

As educators we are in the privileged position of having influence and making change happen so that we help make a better future for all. Please get in touch for training requests, workshops with pupils and support in planning for an anti-racist, inclusive curriculum. As Devon is a county with less diverse culture we have an even bigger job in debunking racist myths and ensuring all ethnically diverse children recognise and value themselves within their school environment. To start your journey towards racial literacy read:

We also highly recommend:

  • Chris Gaine’s We’re all White, Thanks (Trentham Books,2012)

Reporting racism

You can now view and download our new Bullying, prejudice and racism incident resource, which has information on preventing, reporting and supporting.  We are seeing an increase in reports which is good news as it means Devon schools take hate incidents seriously. Please complete submit your report of racism through the online platform:

Report bullying, prejudice and racism incidents

One Minute Guides

Children of different ethnicities putting hands together

School policies

Much clearer anti-racism policies are needed to institutionally embed a culture of anti-racism in schools. Please get in touch to review your race equality policy to ensure that black, Asian and minority ethnic students are not systematically disadvantaged.

Black History Month – October

We believe that Black History Month (BHM) should be threaded into the curriculum and be part of our everyday educational provision but BHM is a good starting point for schools who want to challenge racism. We will be posting resources and links to activities to help you promote and celebrate black history.

Anti-racism training in Devon

Devon has a wealth of training opportunities and workshops available to pupils!
Please get in touch to discuss what workshops we have available.
We have a range of workshops celebrating diversity available, these are delivered by our very talented team of multilingual, multicultural teachers. See also Celebrating diversity.
Our colleagues at Devon Development Education offer a wealth of workshops for schools on Cultural Champions, Telling Our Stories and much, much more!

Other useful links and resources
