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Equality, diversity and inclusion seminar – 2025

An increasing number of children in our settings and schools are ethnically diverse. Over 290 Ethnically diverse primary and secondary children are on the persistent absence list.

12% of school days for Year 11 ethnically diverse children and 17% of school days for GRTS Year 11 children are missed each year, significantly higher than White British.

To address the needs of these children EDEAS are hosting a  seminar. This half day, online seminar will support you to have a better understanding of the barriers that ethnically diverse children and their families face. We will bring together experts to share their insights in supporting ethnically diverse children. The morning will include stimulating presentations on a combination of research-based best practices and approaches, as well as opportunities for discussions and networking.

EDEAS has arranged for 3 amazing speakers:

  • Eowyn Crisfield Burr – Crisfield Educational, sharing her theories and experiences of English as an additional language and how to support these children.
  • Josh Corlett -International Rescue Committee, sharing his knowledge of refugees and having Healing classrooms
  • and more.

For further information please view the flyer and book your place.
