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Meet the EDEAS team

The Devon Ethnically Diverse Education Achievement Service (EDEAS) is a dedicated multi-ethnic and multilingual team with over 30 years of experience, working closely with Devon education establishments to remove barriers and inequalities in attainment and achievement.

By working alongside you, we can help your establishment to improve educational outcomes for children and young people from ethnically diverse communities, including Traveller heritages, as well as those learning English.

We provide expert advice, guidance and training to help raise attainment and close the performance gap for these children.  Our approach is flexible and responsive, giving you the right level of support when you need it.

Katarina Tasinkiewicz – Lead ethnically diverse advisory teacher (EAL and EY Support)

Ellen Tout – Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showman (GRTS) advisory teacher

Cary-Anne Ginns – Lead ethnically diverse advisory teacher (EDI and EAL support)

Sahar Ghrab – Bilingual support worker, Arabic language specialist

Vivek Sulochana – Bilingual support worker, Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi language specialist

Alina Nishkur – Bilingual support worker, Ukrainian and Russian language specialist

Caroline Martins – Bilingual support worker, Portuguese language specialist

Blessing Adini – Bilingual support worker, Shona language specialist

Humayoon Samadi – Bilingual support worker, Dari and Farsi language specialist

Ibrahim Mizrak – Bilingual support worker, Turkish language specialist

Umas Jin – Bilingual support worker, Mandarin language specialist

Paola Sciammaro Bilingual support worker, Spanish language specialist

Cevdet Acu Bilingual support worker, Kurdish and Turkish language specialist

Jennifer Wang Bilingual support worker, Cantonese and Mandarin language specialist

Mohammad Hamidi Bilingual support worker, Pashto and Dari language specialist
