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Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showmen

We support schools to meet the needs of children from Traveller backgrounds (including Gypsy, Roma, Travellers of Irish Heritage, Showmen, Circus and Occupational Travellers). We can offer support with:

  • admission into school, links with parents, carers and communities, advice and direction on settling in, induction and transition
  • short-term intervention programmes, which can include in-class support
  • individualised transition programmes for Traveller pupils from primary to secondary
  • developing inclusive approaches, fostering positive relationships and planning curriculum opportunities to value and promote Traveller culture
  • catch-up teaching onsite
  • raising awareness of Traveller cultures and history
  • anti-racism CPD for school staff and workshops for pupils

Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showmen awareness training

Target audience:  Community professionals and groups

Designed to increase awareness and develop respect and understanding of these communities, the training not only focuses on legislation, but looks at common misconceptions, stigma, stereotyping and myths around these communities to improve understanding.  We also look at effective, practical approaches to working positively with these communities.

This training session will help give you a better understanding of:

  • Brief history and cultural awareness of travelling communities
  • Stereotypes and misconceptions
  • Challenges including: education, health and planning
  • Practical approaches to working with the communities

GTRSB Pledge
Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen, and Boaters’ Pledge for Schools

You are invited to a webinar on Thursday, January 23, 2025, from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm. The session will focus on the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen, and Boaters’ Pledge for Schools, which outlines actionable steps schools can take to enhance access, retention, and educational outcomes for these communities.

The webinar will feature insights into the Pledge and a presentation by Paula Strachan, Head of St Teresa’s Primary School in Darlington, on their initiatives to support Gypsy pupils. Additionally, the Anti-Bullying Alliance will discuss their online CPD training aimed at addressing bullying of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller pupils.

More info about the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boaters’ Pledge for Schools can be found at:

GTRSB Pledge for Schools | Buckinghamshire New University

Book tickets here:

Future focus workshops (fully funded in-school workshops for children)

Do you have children from a Gypsy, Roma, Traveller or Showmen background who would benefit from discussing their future aspirations and be inspired to stay in education?

Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller children are more likely to be not accessing education, in employment, or training at 16 years of age. One in five Traveller children felt they had to leave school due to bullying and two thirds of those surveyed felt they experience bullying from their teachers (Traveller Movement, 2020). Forty-one percent of Traveller children wanted to stay in school for longer but were taken out because of bullying, family reasons, or because of a lack of support from their school (SEN) (Traveller Movement ,2020). Gypsies and Travellers are ten times less likely to go to university than their peers (Kings College, 2017)

Aimed at upper KS2 and KS3, this fully funded 1 hour workshop will help children think about how they can use their skills in the future and encourage them to continue with their education:

  • What are our future opportunities?
  • How can we overcome barriers to our future opportunities?
  • Inspirational people and the barriers they overcame.
  • What skills we might need for our future.
  • How to prepare for the future.
  • Routes into careers.

Subject to availability and the workshop must include at least one child from the Traveller communities.


Useful links


