Ethnically Diverse Communities – Directory of Services for Devon, Plymouth and Torbay

screenshot of front cover - map of devon with logos of partner organsations surrounding it

Download – June 2024 edition

This updated directory contains details of the many organisations and agencies, from all sectors, that offer support services for people from Black, Asian and Ethnically Diverse communities in Devon.

We hope that the information helps people from different cultural backgrounds living and/or working in Devon – including migrant workers, asylum seekers, refugees and students – to find the local support that they need.

The directory is also intended to reach professionals, service providers and other partners looking to improve their engagement with different cultural communities or seeking specialist advice and guidance.

We recognise that this directory is not exhaustive and that it will need to be updated on a regular basis. If you have any suggestions for additions and/or changes then please get in touch with our Engagement and ESOL team:

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