There are a range of government schemes available to make buying a home more affordable. Find out which scheme may be right for you.
Shared ownership
You can get help to buy a house through a shared ownership scheme. A housing association buys the property and sells a share of it to you.
You might need a mortgage to buy a share of the house and will pay rent on the rest.
The Own Your Home website provides a single gateway for first-time buyers to find the right government scheme for them.
Home Ownership for People with Long-Term Disabilities (HOLD) scheme
If you have a long-term disability and you are unable to buy a home in another shared ownership scheme that meets your needs, the Home Ownership for People with Long-Term Disabilities (HOLD) scheme offers you the chance to buy a home on the open market on shared ownership terms.
Older People’s Shared Ownership Scheme (OPSO)
The OPSO Scheme is a form of shared ownership available to people aged 55 and over. It allows you to buy an initial share in a OPSO home and pay rent on the remaining share.
Help to repair and maintain your home
The Buy with Confidence website allows you to search for Trading Standards approved businesses – including those who undertake home maintenance and repairs.
Other websites are available to check reviews for tradespeople for any required home maintenance and repairs for example, the Check-a-Trade website or Find an Expert – Our Local Expert.
The support available to help you live independently in your own home
If you are struggling with any aspect of independent living, Find out what support is available to help you live independently in your owned home.