How do I get telecare equipment?
If you think that you, a relative or someone you care for might need help in this way contact Care Direct on 0345 155 1007 to speak to us about having a social care needs assessment.
If you or the person you care for has been assessed as having eligible social care needs and is receiving support from Devon County Council we can provide equipment as part of your care package. Speak to your worker about this.
If you are not eligible for social care support you can still purchase telecare products through private suppliers. Usually, they will charge for individual items, plus a weekly fee for connected telecare items which link to their call centre.
The following organisations can help if you are looking to buy telecare equipment privately:
- The Independent Living Centre – telephone 01392 380181 or visit the centre in Newton Abbot where an occupational therapist can assess your needs, advise on suitable options and show you products
- Tunstall – a private telecare provider
- Torbay TeleHealthCare used to be part of Torbay Council but now supplies telecare privately