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It's OK to talk about suicide

How to support someone who may be feeling suicidal

We are a group of people with personal or working experience of those who have either had suicidal thoughts or feelings or have lost someone to suicide.

We want to share our knowledge and experience, so you are not alone when you are worried about someone who you think may be feeling suicidal.

Suicidal thoughts are common but not permanent and can go away. Anyone can have suicidal thoughts, at any time in their life, whatever their background or situation.

Suicide has many causes that are unique to each person and we must always take them seriously.

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This information has been developed by Devon County Council (N Glassbrook) in partnership with Exeter University (P Xanthopoulou), Devon Partnership NHS Trust (G Adams and D Frances), Parental Minds (S Glover) and people with lived experience.
