There are a number of really useful websites which can provide fun, engaging and educational activities for children. Below are a few examples, which are free, or can offer free trials. Many children do respond to using ICT to support their work and learning and it can provide great opportunities to reinforce and consolidate key concepts.
Help Kidz Learn
HelpKidzLearn from Inclusive Technology is an extensive collection accessible activities, games and apps that can be accessed by all children including those with special educational needs and learning difficulties. Two Weeks free Trial available.
Oxford Owl
Reading at home – Oxford Owl. This fantastic website is allowing free access to e-books – parents just need to register. To get to the right colour book, follow the link, click on ‘Level’, then ‘Book Bands’ and then the colour you read. You can also choose harder books and listen to them.
BBC Bitesize
Use BBC Bitesize to help with homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject. At the moment the website is adding three new lessons every weekday for each year.
Doorway Online
Doorway Online is a collection of free and highly accessible educational games that learners will find easy to use independently. Each activity has a range of accessibility and difficulty options.
Busy Things
This website has 100’s of award-winning curriculum-linked games and activities for the parents and teachers of children between the ages of 3 and 11. Free 7 day trial for families or a free 28 day trial for schools.
Purple Mash and Serial Mash
Purple Mash can be accessed, anywhere, at any time, on any device. It gives you access to 1000s of cross-curricular resources, which are fully mapped curriculum and schemes of work. 60 day free trials available.
Widgit Online
You can use Widgit Online to create interactive resources from a range of easy-to-use templates. For example visual timetables, vocabulary mats to help with writing and materials for children with English as an additional language. Free 21 day trials available for Home and School.
Education City
EducationCity provides engaging, educational resources and games for children aged 3-12 years, as well as time-saving tools that support teachers in the classroom and at home. Free 21 day trials available.
*All details accurate at the time or writing – please note that app prices do change, apps do get removed from the app store and iOS updates can stop apps from working correctly