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SEND advice and guidance

Communication and interaction

The Communication and Interaction (C and I) Team consists of highly qualified and experienced advisory teachers, a speech and language therapist, a pre-5 autism specialist and specialist support assistants.

We offer support, advice and guidance for children and young people where autism and speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) is the primary need.

Who we work with

We work in partnership with educational settings from 0-25, as well as individual children and their families. Where possible this is in partnership with other agencies in education, health and social care.

What we do

We enable settings to provide best practice in educational provision for pupils with autism and SLCN, including:

  • high-quality teaching
  • targeted group interventions
  • individualised learning

We enable staff to meet the needs of pupils through whole-school development, consultancy and training. In collaboration with schools and other professionals, we support parents and carers through parent programmes for both autism and SLCN.

Direct engagement with parents and carers is always facilitated in partnership with school staff.

How to access the service

Early years settings

For Communication and Interaction Team support in an early years setting, please use our new online early years Request for Access form and complete the parental consent form.

This will continue whilst we review early years service models in partnership with early years consultants, Nursery Plus and the Early Years Complex Needs Team.

Primary and secondary settings

Support from the Communication and Interaction Team for school aged children (reception onwards) continues via the newly established C and I advisory clinic model, forming part of a new triage process to requests for support.

Devon Graduated Response

The graduated response tool has been developed to support Devon schools. The tool outlines some of the practices and adaptations that are part and parcel of Quality First Teaching (QFT): the inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.

Devon graduated response

Requesting access to SEND support

Schools and settings wishing to access SEND support should read the guidance and submit a request for access to SEND support form.

Request for access to SEND support



AET professional development programmes. The AET is a partnership of a wide range of individuals and organisations focused on improving the education of children and young people with autism from the voluntary, public and private sectors.

It also actively engages with young people, parents, carers and practitioners to inform its work.

Shop for AET training
