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SEND advice and guidance

Cognition and learning

What are cognition and learning needs?

Cognition and learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs and abilities. Cognition and learning difficulties may affect all areas of the curriculum as with pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties or Severe Learning Difficulties. However, cognition and learning difficulties may only impact on specific areas such as reading, writing, spelling and/or numeracy.

Educational psychology

Our educational psychologists are here to help you support pupils with a wide range of needs, including cognition and learning.

Devon SpLD

Devon SpLD is Devon’s advisory team for pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties (dyslexia) and their teaching staff, is based at Queen Elizabeth’s School. The service focuses on supporting schools to meet the needs of children struggling with severe literacy difficulties.

Devon Graduated Response

The graduated response tool has been developed to support Devon schools. The tool outlines some of the practices and adaptations that are part and parcel of Quality First Teaching (QFT): the inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.

Requesting access to SEND support

Schools and settings wishing to access SEND support should read the guidance and submit a request for access to SEND support form.
