The Communication Trust is a coalition of over 50 not-for-profit organisations. Working together they support everyone who works with children and young people in England to support their speech, language and communication. Our service is based on evidence-based standards and frameworks commissioned by the Communication Trust.
SLCN training programmes
A suite of modules available face-to-face or virtual training programmes and practical resources for practitioners and those working in mainstream and specialist schools.
Useful webinars
Moving forward with your graduated response – tools to identify language needs in primary school
Primary identifying language needs web links
- https://speechandlanguage.org.uk/
- Devon GRT Assess KS1
- Devon GRT Assess KS2
- Language for Learning primary checklist
- Speech and language Progression tools – primary set
- How to use the Progression Tools
- Speech and Language Link – support for SLCN
- An introductory video to Language for Behaviour and Emotions
- Supporting children and young people with DLD
Moving forward with your graduated response – tools to identify language needs in secondary school
Secondary identifying language needs web links
- Devon GRT Assess KS3 and 4
- Language for Learning secondary checklist
- Speech and Language Progression Tools – secondary set
- Progression tool 13-14 sample
- Vimeo link – how to use the Progression Tools
- Speech and Language Link – support for SLCN
- In introductory video to Language for Behaviour and Emotions
- Secondary SLCN checklist
- Supporting children and young people with DLD
Planning support for students identified with language and communication needs in primary settings
Primary planning support web links
- DGRT KS1 Plan and Review.docx (sharepoint.com)
- DGRT KS2 Plan and Review.docx (sharepoint.com)
- Barrier games – YouTube
- Resources for Children’s Speech and Language | Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (hacw.nhs.uk)
- Levels of attention
- Jean Gross – A time to talk
- Voice21 – Discussion roles
- Teacher Tips to support understanding
- Pip St John’s Pre-Teaching Vocabulary resources
- Vocabulary in Action – EEF
- Blank levels of questions – scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the resource ‘Blank levels of questioning information sheet’
- Black Sheep Press Narrative
- Victoria Joffe Narrative Intervention
- Language for Behaviour and Emotions
- ELKLAN Language Builders
- C&I online consultation RFA
Planning support for students identified with language and communication needs in secondary settings
Secondary planning support web links
- DGRT KS3 and 4 Plan and Review
- MerriMaps (elklan.co.uk)
- Voice21 – Discussion roles
- Sentence stems
- Vocabulary In Action – EEF
- Blank levels of questions – scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the resource ‘Blank levels of questioning information sheet’
- Children’s Speech & Language Therapy (provide.org.uk) Black Sheep Press Narrative
- Victoria Joffe Narrative Intervention
- Language for Behaviour and Emotions
- ELKLAN Language Builders 11-16
- Supporting word learning at secondary
- C&I online consultation RFA