Language and communication differences in children and young people are key elements of the autism profile. They may:
- have difficulty in communicating with others; they may have difficulty saying what they want to or understanding what is being said to them
- be delayed in using language and shy away from talking
A number of our one-minute guides cover autism, language and communications topics including transition, tics, online safety, autism in girls as well as helpful advice, guidance and support.
Useful resources, links and further reading
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Children and Family Health Devon
- The Hanen Centre
- National Autistic Society information on visuals
- Examples of visual supports
- YouTube video of how to implement visual strategies such as ‘now and next boards and visual timetables
- Visual resources
- Autism awareness centre
- Total Communication
- YouTube video talking about Augmentative Alternative Communication
- Classroom strategies
- Using visuals
- The benefits of visual supports for children with autism by Autism parent magazine
- Using visuals by Great Western Hospitals
- Visual support
- Using objects to develop choice making
- Schools and Early Years Competency and Standards Frameworks
- The Communication Trust
- Talking mats
- Attention Autism Gina Davies
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Children and Family Health Devon
- The Hanen Centre
- National Autistic Society information on visuals
- Examples of visual supports
- YouTube video of how to implement visual strategies such as ‘now and next boards and visual timetables
- Visual resources (autism west midlands)
- Autism awareness centre
- Amazing Things Happen – by Alexander Amelines