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Exeter Rifford Road Cycle Track


As part of efforts to enable more people to cycle in Exeter, Devon County Council has been working on a scheme to deliver a new, largely flat north to south two-way cycle route connecting the Beacon Heath area, and communities on route, to the Riverside Valley Park, Exe Estuary Trail and employment at Marsh Barton Industrial Estate.

The new route will also connect where people live to parks and open spaces, local shops and facilities, jobs and public transport at Polsloe Bridge and Marsh Barton rail station.

What changes are being made?

The proposed route is being delivered in phases and this phase will be a 700 m two-way cycle track on the eastern side of Rifford Road between Honiton Road and Ludwell Lane.

People walking and cycling will have their own dedicated space and will have priority when crossing the side roads, some uncontrolled crossings and a parallel crossing. Build outs and raised tables will also be improved.

As part of the proposal, some junctions will also be narrowed to reduce vehicle speeds and crossing distances for people walking and cycling.

In order to deliver the new cycle track, it will be necessary to remove the central hatched area of the road. Traffic lanes and on-street parking bays will then be moved across to provide the space for the new off-road cycle track.

It will also be necessary to remove 16 on-street car parking spaces, four of these lost spaces are due to the provision of new driveways which were requested by residents during the informal consultation. This will of course enable off-street parking for these properties. It is proposed to carry out the necessary driveway works at the same time as delivering the new cycle track as it provides better value for money to all parties and removes the need for future disruption.

Previous consultation

During March and April 2022, Devon County Council ran an informal consultation to gauge local support for the construction of this two-way cycle track. Some minor changes have been made to the plan to accommodate some of the feedback that was received, this included incorporating the four requested vehicle crossings.

Here is a link to the previous consultation page and a report on feedback from residents received during this informal consultation.


The consultation ran from 17 November until 8 December 2022.

Details of the proposal are shown in the documents below.

Due to the length of time the works will take to be implemented, the traffic regulation order will be sealed in three parts. The first part was sealed on 2nd October. Details can be viewed in the documents below.

The sealed documents for part 2 and 3 are below.

What happens next?

The comments submitted during the consultation have been considered by the Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee on 16 January 2023 and the committee resolved:

(a) that the construction of the Rifford Road two-way cycle track in Exeter as shown in Appendix 1 at an estimated cost of £1.55 million be agreed in principle, subject to formal approval by the Cabinet;

(b) that the making and sealing of the Traffic Regulation Order to change the parking restrictions be approved; and

(c) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport, be given delegated authority in consultation with the Chair and local County Councillor to approve minor changes to the scheme design.

Works started on the cycle track in March 2024 and are estimated to take 12 months to complete. More details on the works can be viewed on the Rifford Road Cycle Route webpage.
