If you are planning work on the highway you may need a temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO) or temporary traffic regulation notice (TTRN). You must follow this legal process when introducing any temporary restrictions such as a temporary road closure, suspending a one way street or suspending parking.
Road closures are a last resort and we will only grant a TTRO or TTRN following a completed application and with sufficient justification.
To apply for a TTRO or TTRN you must:
- give us three months’ notice to process the application
- provide a start date and a duration
- be covered by public liability insurance with a minimum cover of £5 million
- provide a proposed diversion route
- show that you have consulted local stakeholders such as residents and business owners
You do not need to apply for a TTRO or TTRN if you only require traffic management such as temporary traffic lights, give and take or stop/go. However, you will need to apply to carry out minor work on the highway.
Special events or street parties
There is a different process if you want to arrange a special event.
Events that do not require temporary restrictions (notice only event)
If you are planning an event on the highway that doesn’t involve temporary restrictions, you should let us know at least three months in advance. We then carry out coordination checks, so your event is not affected by other works or events already taking place.
If a danger arises to persons or property on or adjacent to the highway, please phone 0345 155 1008 immediately.