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Safe travel

Road safety

It is our vision that every route and every mode should be available to everybody, free from the risk or fear of harm.

In Devon, the ten year data shows road casualties are decreasing, primarily due to a strong consistent drop in slight (minor) injury collisions. Most incidents involve local drivers, with around 81% attributed to human error. While road traffic collisions are complex, our data dashboards emphasise that changes in behaviour among Devon residents and commuters can significantly reduce the human and economic toll.

The most common errors, lapses or violations that precede a collision are shown below, with the most common being failing to look properly, failing to judge another’s path or speed, being careless, reckless or in a hurry, losing control and travelling too fast for the conditions.

Whatever mode of travel we usually use, each of us can see an opportunity to improve our approach to such a brief and commonplace list. If we want to make that change then there is nothing to stop us – and we can start today.

📉 View more on Road Casualty Data.

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