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Traffic information

Data in Devon

We collect, collate, analyse and report various traffic data for hundreds of locations across the county each year, (excluding the unitary authority areas of Plymouth and Torbay and the National Highways Trunk Roads (M5, A38, A30 etc)).

This data provides details of traffic volume, speed, vehicle classification and cycle track usage.

Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide an interactive map to display the locations of available data but if you would like to contact us about the availability of traffic information and/or request a copy of any data please email or telephone 0345 155 1004.

Important notes

  1. Please note there may well be a charge for the supply of any data. Our current charges are here.
  2. If there is no data available in your area of interest, and you intend to undertake a survey yourself or ask others to undertake it for you, the owner of the equipment or installer will need to obtain a licence, and an application form can be found here. Please note that unlicensed surveys and equipment will be removed from site.
