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Traffic information

Rifford Road cycle route

Updated: 23/01/2025

Construction work is continuing to deliver a two-way cycle track long Rifford Road. The programme of works is on schedule, with the first six phases of construction complete. Additionally, Phase 1 of the resurfacing work was completed in December 2024.

Carriageway resurfacing

Devon County Council has secured additional funding to facilitate full resurfacing of the carriageway on Rifford Road, between Quarry Lane and Ludwell Lane, which is being delivered as part of the Rifford Road cycle route construction.

The resurfacing work will involve removing the current road surface, reinforcing the foundations and replacing the top surface of the road, with road markings and high friction surfacing applied. Works will be carried out in three phases:

  • Phase 1 (completed): Monday 2 December to Friday 13 December 2024 (Quarry Lane to Lethbridge Road)
  • Phase 2: Monday 10 February to Friday 21 February 2025 (Lethbridge Road to 121 Rifford Road)
  • Phase 3: Monday 17 March to Friday 28 March 2025 (119 Rifford Road to Ludwell Lane roundabout)

Due to the nature of the resurfacing works, a full road closure will be necessary to through traffic. General traffic will be diverted via East Wonford Hill, Bovemoors Lane, Dryden Road, Wonford Street and Burnthouse Lane. The diversion route will be clearly signposted. Emergency access will be maintained throughout the site, and pedestrian access to properties will also be maintained during the works.

Resident access

Pedestrian access to all properties will be maintained throughout, however vehicle access to properties will not be possible during the first week of each phase of the works.

Limited additional disabled access will be provided for drop-off and pick-ups, if required. Disabled parking in the fully closed sections will be unavailable due to the nature of the works. The contractors on site will assist with ensuring disabled access is maintained, however delays may be experienced.

Phase 1 Resurfacing

Phase 1 of the resurfacing work was completed in December 2024. The carriageway was resurfaced between Quarry Lane and Lethbridge Road, with road markings subsequently applied.

Phase 2 Resurfacing

Phase 2 resurfacing work will be competed between Monday 10 February and Friday 21 February 2025. Please see the road closure and works area of Phase 2 highlighted in purple on the map below. There will be a signed diversion route which is shown on the map in blue.

  • The road will be fully closed between Lethbridge Road and Woodwater Lane (121 Rifford Road)

Phase 3 Resurfacing

Phase 3 resurfacing work will be completed between Monday 17 March and Friday 28 March 2025. Please see the road closure and works are of Phase 3 highlighted in red on the map below. There will be a signed diversion route which is shown on the map in blue.

  • The road will be fully closed between Woodwater Lane (119 Rifford Road) and Ludwell Lane roundabout

Cycle route construction

Works to deliver a two-way cycle route along Rifford Road commenced on Monday 11 March 2024 and will be completed by March 2025. The works affect the section of road between Honiton Road and Ludwell Lane.

During the works there will be two-way temporary traffic signals to manage traffic. The works will be carried out in approximately eight phases, each of 100 metre sections along the eastern side of Rifford Road.

Other works will include the installation of raised tables to lower vehicle speeds together with a cycle friendly zebra crossing and upgrades to the street lighting. The contractor working hours will be between 7.00am and 7.00pm, Monday to Friday.

The contractor for the works are Mac Plant Construction.

Background to the scheme

A public consultation was held for the scheme between 21 March and 22 April 2022. Details of the consultation can be seen on Have Your Say Page.

You can also view an impact assessment for the scheme.

Following the public consultation, the scheme was approved by Devon County Council’s Cabinet in May 2023. The report to Cabinet can be accessed here.

Contact details

For construction related enquiries:

For general scheme enquiries:

What changes are being made?

The scheme encompasses:

  • construction of a 700m two-way cycle track on the eastern side of Rifford Road between Honiton Road and Ludwell Lane
  • removal of the central hatched area of the road to maintain traffic lanes in both directions, whilst retaining on-street parking bays
  • installation of a new formal crossing for pedestrians and cycles near the junction with Lethbridge Road
  • upgrades to street lighting

Upon completion, two-way traffic flow will be maintained with a minimum carriageway width of 6m. This is wide enough to allow two HGVs to safely pass.

When are the works taking place?

The layout of the planned work phases and approximate dates of construction are shown on a map here:

The works began on Monday 11 March 2024 and will be completed by early March 2025.

The initial programme has eight phases being constructed as follows:

  • Phase 1: Number 21 to Number 51, 11 March – late April.
  • Phase 2: Number 51 to the Substation, late April – mid June.
  • Phase 3: Honiton Road to Number 21, mid June – July.
  • Phase 4: The Substation to Number 83, July – September.
  • Phase 5: Number 83 to Number 93, September – October.
  • Phase 6: Number 93 to Number 125, November to December.
  • Phase 7: Number 125 to Number 171, December to January 2025.
  • Phase 8: Number 171 to Ludwell Lane, January 2025 – February 2025.

How will the works affect you

The Rifford Road Cycle Route will provide a two-way cycle facility along the eastern side of Rifford Road, between the junctions with Honiton Road and Ludwell Lane. The route would fill in a ‘missing link’ between existing facilities on the North-South cycle route, helping connect residents to schools, shops, workplaces, parks and rail stations.

Along with the cycle track, new and improved pedestrian and crossing facilities will be delivered, both on Rifford Road and across side roads. These facilities will reflect recent changes to the Highway Code and help reduce vehicle speeds.

The scheme will be delivered by removing the hatched central area of Rifford Road to allow the traffic lane and the accompanying parking bays to be moved across the highway to facilitate installation of the cycle route. Two lanes of vehicular traffic will be retained on scheme completion.

  • Traffic management

    We will not be closing Rifford Road for traffic during the bulk of the works. There will be traffic management via two-way lights while we are working on each section.

    There will be a requirement for some road closures to enable us to install the raised tables and undertake the carriageway resurfacing. The exact dates of these are to be finalised and will be communicated closer to the time.

    These will be scheduled for off peak times such as evenings and weekends and emergency access will be maintained at all times.

  • Car parking

    Car parking will be suspended within each section where we are working. In areas where work is not currently being undertaken, car parking will be available as usual.

  • Bus stops

    Bus stops will be suspended within each section where we are working. In areas where work is not currently being undertaken, bus stops will be operational as usual.

  • Pedestrian access

    Pedestrian access to properties will be maintained throughout the works.

  • How wide will the road be?

    The design incorporates a 0.5m buffer strip between the carparking and the cycleway which reduces the risk associated with the conflict between cyclists and opening car doors.

Frequently asked questions
