If you have mobility problems or continence issues going to the toilet can be difficult. There are a range of solutions to help you, and some of these are fairly low cost and easy to put in place.
Equipment and adaptations
There is equipment available to help make using the toilet easier. This can range from a simple, low-cost option like a grab rail on the wall or a raised toilet seat, to a toilet frame or a commode.
Take a look at our equipment advice website www.equipmentadvicedevon.org.uk to get more information and advice about a whole range of equipment available to help you at home.
The Independent Living Centre devon.cc/ilc can help anyone who is looking for solutions to maintain independence and mobility at home.
Phone 01392 380181 or email ilc-exeter@devon.gov.uk to speak to an occupational therapist who can talk to you about your needs and help you find the best solution.
Falls and alarms
You may be worried about falling when in the bathroom and not being able to get help. There are a range of personal alarms available, such as a pendant alarm you can wear round your neck and press to call for help if you fall, which may give you peace of mind.
Take a look at our equipment advice website www.equipmentadvicedevon.org.uk to get more information and advice about a whole range of equipment available to help you at home.
The Independent Living Centre devon.cc/ilc can help anyone who is looking for solutions to maintain independence and mobility at home.
Phone 01392 380181 or email ilc-exeter@devon.gov.uk to speak to an occupational therapist who can talk to you about your needs and help you find the best solution.
Personal care
You may need, or prefer, to have someone come to your home to help you go to the toilet. This may be a good option if you need help with a range of tasks like washing and getting dressed as well. You can search online for local care agencies at the Care Quality Commission. We recommend that you contact a couple of agencies to find one that suits your needs and budget. An alternative to a care agency is a Personal Assistant where you can find one or advertise for one.
You may also want to read some information from Age UK about organising and paying for personal care at home www.ageuk.org.uk/home-and-care/help-at-home.
Bladder or bowel problems can affect anybody. If you have any concerns speak to your GP.
The Bladder and Bowel Service offers help and advice. It covers all of Devon with local clinics and home visits, phone 01392 208478.
If you have a long-term problem there are specialist pads and clothing that can make life easier and can help with hygiene and comfort. Phone the Independent Living Centre on 01392 380181 or email ilc-exeter@devon.gov.uk to speak to an occupational therapist who can talk to you about your needs and help you find the best solution.
NHS Choices has information on managing and treating urinary and bowel incontinence at www.nhs.uk/conditions/incontinence-urinary
Age UK also has useful information at www.ageuk.org.uk/health-wellbeing/conditions-illnesses/incontinence.