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Independent living

Occupational therapy

About occupational therapy

An occupational therapist (OT) helps people of all ages overcome challenges completing everyday tasks or activities – what we call ‘occupations’.

Occupational therapists see beyond a person’s diagnosis and limitations. They look at relationships between the activities you do every day – your occupations – alongside the challenges you face and your environment.

Support to regain independence can help open up new opportunities and increase your sense of wellbeing.

This video from the NHS explains what occupational therapy involves, who can benefit and the types of help available.

How to help yourself

Equipment Advice Devon is an advice and information website about daily living equipment and other aspects of independent living. This is a self-assessment that will ask a series of questions about how you are managing with daily living tasks. It will suggest some items of equipment that you can buy to meet your needs based on your answers.

If you are struggling to carry out day-to-day tasks, please click here for the Independent Living Centre website in the first instance.

This has a huge amount of useful information regarding:

  • advice on daily living equipment and technology that can help you in your everyday life and keep you safe
  • ‘before you buy’ guides giving points to consider and price guides for many pieces of equipment
  • the opportunity to visit the centre for a 1:1 assessment with an occupational therapist to try out items of equipment

If you are feeling unsteady on your feet and would like information, tips and advice around how to prevent falls please visit the Steady on Your Feet Devon website.

Major adaptations

If you are considering whether your home needs adapting to meet your needs, here is a list of Devon suppliers if you would like to arrange this yourself.

If you are not sure what adaptations might help meet your needs, an occupational therapist can assess your needs and provide recommendations. Recommendations may in include equipment or adaptations. The government guidance gives further details on how an occupational therapist can help.

If you are unable to afford an adaptation, please contact us for an occupational therapy assessment. An occupational therapist may refer you to your district council for a grant if you are eligible. If you are a housing association or district council tenant please speak to your landlord in the first instance. Grants need to be applied for before any work starts.

Housing options

If you are looking to move home rather than adapting your home please see this link for information on other housing options. Applications for Council and Housing Association homes in Devon may require supporting evidence to find out how your health or wellbeing is affected by your current accommodation. You will need to be registered with Devon Home choice first. Evidence such as consultant letters, PIP confirmation letters and OT assessments can be provided, or evidence from any professional working with the applicant.

VAT exemption

If you are registered as disabled, you will be exempt from paying VAT on works done to adapt your home or equipment purchased specifically to meet your disability needs. More information is available at GOV.UK

Who we can help

If you’re over 18 and have a long-term health condition resulting in disability and need help with practical tasks, we may be able to help with things like:

  • entering and leaving your home
  • washing, bathing and using the toilet
  • using living and sleeping areas
  • using food preparation and cooking areas
  • reducing risks in your home related to your condition

We provide advice and assessment by telephone or may come and see you in your own environment. We aim to maximise your wellbeing and independence.

Types of support we could provide, subject to eligibility criteria, are:

  • equipment
  • minor adaptations
  • advice, equipment and risk assessment if you need help with your mobility
  • advice if you are providing physical assistance for someone you are caring for
  • referral to district councils for major adaptations
  • referral and signposting to other agencies

When can’t we help

We are not able to help if:

  • your health condition is short term and expected to improve, please speak to your GP
  • you’ve been discharged from hospital recently, as you will be under the care of the NHS
  • you need a walking aid, wheelchair, physiotherapy, or a period of rehabilitation to overcome the physical problems caused by ill health – this would usually be provided by your local NHS community team – please speak to your GP practice
  • your only need is around mental health – speak to your GP or you can self-refer to TALKWORKS for mental health support
  • you only need small items of medical equipment such as a urine bottle, please buy this from your local supplier
  • you need urgent health advice – call 111 or visit

How to get in contact

We provide information about care and support that will help you to live independently for as long as possible. Try our self-help tool which is designed to offer suggestions and details of the type of support that can be found in Devon. The self-help tool will also help to highlight if a further care needs assessment would be appropriate.

If you live in the Devon area then you can also contact Adult Social Care on 0345 155 1007.
