A ROVI (Rehabilitation Officer Visual Impairment) is trained and qualified to work with people who have significant visual impairment. To speak to a ROVI contact the Devon Sensory Team by phoning Adult Social Care on 0345 1551 007.
ROVIs can carry out assessments to discuss difficulties or needs and identify solutions to help you to stay at home and be as independent as possible. They can give advice on:
- leisure activities like hobbies, games and sports
- daily tasks such as cooking, making hot drinks, weighing and measuring
- overcoming the problem of disorientation which can occur with poor sight
specialist aids and equipment, such as adapted phones.
ROVIs can help you learn new skills to offset the effects of visual impairment. They can teach you to:
- follow a sighted guide, or use a mobility aid such as a white cane
- use a variety of communication skills such as Braille and specialised computer software
- learn new skills to be able to carry out everyday tasks
- make the best use of any remaining sight you may have by using magnification, correct lighting and colour contrast.
ROVIs can also:
- assess your eligibility for specialist aids and equipment
- adapt household equipment such as cookers and washing machines with tactile markings and advise on using them safely
- complete your registration if an ophthalmologist has confirmed that you have a visual condition which qualifies as sight impaired or severely sight impaired
- work with colleagues or voluntary organisations
- provide informal counselling, guidance and support.
ROVIs can signpost to:
- employment and training
- information on benefits
- housing-related services
- organisations providing support and equipment
- local and national resources.
Useful resources
British Wireless for the Blind Fund (BWBF)
01622 754757 or visit www.blind.org.uk
BT Free Directory Enquiries
To register for BT free Directory Enquiries call 195 and ask for the registration department.
BT Talking Telephone Bills
To arrange for your bill to be read over the phone before being posted to you call 150. BT can also send your bill in large print or Braille.
Devon In Sight, Kennford
01392 876666 or visit www.devoninsight.org.uk
For information, advice and guidance on your sight loss journey. Ring the helpline between 10am and 2pm weekdays to speak to the Sight Loss Advisor. Outside of those hours leave a message and we will ring you back.
Exeter Society for the Blind
01392 439765
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (GDBA)
08453 727407 or email exeter@guidedogs.org.uk
National Federation of the Blind
01924 291313 or visit www.nfbuk.org
Partially Sighted Society
0844 477 4966 or visit www.partsight.org.uk
Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)
0303 123 9999 or visit www.rnib.org.uk
Tel: 0300 330 9256 or 020 7520 0972
Textphone: 0300 330 9256 or 020 7520 0972
Email: info@sense.org.uk or visit www.sense.org.uk
SENSE is an organisation for children and adults who are deafblind. They also support people with a sight or hearing impairment and additional disabilities.