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Health and safety

Documents, guidance, risk assessments, model forms and checklist

For up-to-date health and safety documents, including guidance, generic risk assessments, model forms and checklists, please go to the OSHENS website Document Library. All accidents/incidents that need to be referred to the Devon County Health, Safety and Wellbeing Service should be reported through OSHENS system. If you cannot access the site or are having difficulties in reporting an accident or accessing the document library etc, please call the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Service on 01392 382027 for assistance.

Safe use of display screen equipment

Each school will have identified at least one member of staff to undertake the role of ‘Display Screen Equipment Assessment Co-ordinator’.

The ‘DSE Assessment Co-ordinator’ will have a separate log-in for accessing the DSE module located on the OSHENS on-line health and safety system.

In order to meet both regulatory and DCC requirements for the safe use of DSE within schools, the ‘DSE Assessment Co-ordinator’ will:-

  • Identify staff who fulfil the criteria ‘Display Screen Equipment User’
  • Set-up group and individual assessment requests
  • Monitor to ensure all users complete the on-line training, questionnaire and solutions checklist
  • Assign actions to any outstanding issues raised
  • Ensure all actions are fully completed and on-line records are maintained.

The ‘DSE User’ will receive an invitation to complete the on-line training and assessment package, which will encourage them to set-up their workstation correctly and self-action identified issues where possible.
The DSE Module can be accessed through the OSHENS Health, Safety & Wellbeing system using the assigned log-in details. User information is contained within the OSHENS Document Library.

If you have further queries about the OSHENS DSE Module please email
