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Administration and finance


Children missing education (CME)

All schools can pass on concerns to the LA using the Children missing education referral form (CME1) where it is believed a parent may fail to make suitable arrangements for education when the child leaves.

Further information is available at Children missing education.

School admissions register – adding a child

All schools must notify the LA within five days of adding a pupil’s name to the admission register at a non-standard transition point, otherwise known as an in-year admission. The notification must include all the details contained in the admission register for the new pupil.

All fee-paying independent schools must notify the LA within five days of adding a pupil’s name to the admission register at a standard transition point, at the start of the first year of education normally provided by that school (this information is available to the LA for state-funded schools as all admissions are co-ordinated by the School Admissions Team).

When adding a pupil’s name, the notification to the Local Authority must include all the details contained in the admission register for the new pupil.

Schools can use the School Leaver Form (SL1) to notify the LA, unless they provide information using B2B.

If schools have multiple joiners at the same time they may provide a spreadsheet in the format of The Multiple Joiners spreadsheet Form SJ2. If you can use Egress Switch Secure Mailing system this can be sent to

Alternatively, a hard copy can be sent to ONE Data Team, SCOMIS, Great Moor House, Bittern Road, Exeter EX2 7NL.

School admissions register – removing a child

All schools must notify the LA when they are about to remove a pupil’s name from the school admission register at a non-standard transition point, otherwise known as an in-year leaver.

All fee-paying independent schools must notify the LA when they are about to remove a pupil’s name from the school admission register at a standard transition point, when the pupil has completed the final year of education normally provided by that school (this information is otherwise available to the LA for state-funded schools).

When removing a pupil’s name, the notification must include:

  • the full name of the pupil
  • the full name and address of any parent with whom the pupil normally resides
  • at least one telephone number of the parent
  • the pupil’s future address and destination school, if applicable
  • the ground in regulation 8 under which the pupil’s name is to be removed from the admission register

Schools must make reasonable enquiries to establish the whereabouts of the child jointly with the LA, before deleting the pupil’s name from the register if the deletion is under regulation 8(1), sub-paragraphs (f)(iii) and (h)(iii).

Schools can use the School Leaver Form (SL1) to notify the LA, unless they provide information using B2B.

All schools must notify the LA upon receipt of written notification from the parents that the pupil is receiving education otherwise than at school. The EHE Pupil Safeguarding Form should be completed in all cases.

Further information on elective home education.

Whole school roll

Following discussions at the recent Independent Schools Forum, it was acknowledged that it would be helpful for the Local Authority to have a complete list of children currently on roll in order that we can better manage their starters and leavers. To facilitate this Schools may provide a spreadsheet in the format of the Complete Roll spreadsheet Template Form CR1.

If you can use Egress Switch Secure Mailing system this can be sent to Alternatively, a hard copy can be sent to ONE Data Team, SCOMIS, Great Moor House, Bittern Road, Exeter EX2 7NL.

Guidance and forms

Attendance forms

Attendance guidance
