Electronic forms that can be completed online and submitted to the appropriate group mailbox
- School Finance Email: financeschools-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
- Trade Union Facilities Agreement & Other Teacher Absence Claim Form
- Application for Minor Re-Organisation Grant Form
- Internal Invoice
CT10 – Debtors invoice/credit note request form
Please download and complete the CT10 form before e-mailing it to CT10invoices@devon.gov.uk.
Schools paying in forms
Please fill out the cash banking form online and scan to dccremit@devon.gov.uk (Revenue).
Please fill out the cheque banking form online but continue to send to Revenue along with your cheques.
Capital forms
- Schools Equipment Leases 2022-23 (Excel)
- Capital Approval Form (Word)
- New Leases Pro-Forma (Excel)
- VELP Request (Word)
Other forms
- BR39 – Application for an ex-gratia payment
- Record of Individuals with Authority to Authorise items resulting in Financial Commitments and Payments (replaces forms CT20/21/22)
- Disclosure of business/pecuniary interests for school staff (Insider Resource)
- Split Sites Template