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Administration 91: Updated – Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning (ICFP) Tool

The ICFP (Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning) tool for Primary & Secondary Schools has been updated and now includes a formal layout to enable schools/federations to complete their class structure. If you are completing a FIPS (Financial Intervention Panel for Schools) application, it is now compulsory to complete the ICFP tool (including the Calculation, Teaching Staff Info, Day Structure and Class Structure tabs) along with your other submission documentation.

Please see the latest forms on the following website (See under ‘Metric Tool’): Benchmarking – Support for schools (

At the bottom of the Instructions tab, additional links to other useful documentation has also been updated and now includes links to:

  • School resource management: top 10 planning checks for governors
  • Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) ICFP training presentation which covers:
    – an overview of ICFP
    – metrics and calculating metrics
    – what metrics can tell you about your organisation
  • Watch The Pioneer Academy Trust’s approach to ICFP in primary schools.
  • Watch Outwood Grange Academy Trust’s approach to ICFP and curriculum bonus.

The Local Authority advises all maintain schools to complete the ICFP tool once a year alongside other benchmark tools when reviewing their budgets. Should you have any queries or questions on how to complete the ICFP tool please contact your Babcock Finance Officer or email the FIPS mailbox.

The Local Authority are currently working on devising an ICFP tool for both Maintained Nursery Schools and Maintained Special Schools and as soon as these are available we will let you know via the blog.
